The problem of heartburn and sour belching has started as soon as summer comes… these 4 ways will solve the problem

How To Get Rid Of Acid Reflux : Do you feel like getting stuck in your throat or burning sensation only after eating some food? Actually this problem is due to acidity. This problem is called acid reflux. There is a feeling of discomfort in the throat. There is a burning sensation in the chest. Actually, many times this problem occurs due to eating too much spicy food. This problem often happens in summer. If such a problem is happening to you again and again, then we are telling you some home remedies, by adopting which you can avoid this problem.

Home remedies to cure acid reflux

Turmeric- You can take turmeric in the problem of acid reflux. It is full of antioxidant and antiseptic properties, which is an excellent remedy for digestive problems. The curcumin present in it helps in relieving irritation. In such a situation, to remove the burning sensation, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of water and drink it. Hope to get relief from this.

Honey and Lemon- Honey is rich in vitamins and amino acids, it works to remove throat irritation. You can drink honey and lemon mixed in half a glass of water to remove burning sensation. Apart from this, eating one spoon of honey gives instant relief from this problem.

Ginger- Ginger can also be beneficial in problems related to stomach and digestion. To consume ginger, make its tea. Take a cup of water and put finely chopped ginger in it. After boiling, remove the vessel from the flame and filter the tea in a cup. Add honey and lemon juice to it for taste. Along with sour belching, this water gives relief from gas.

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Fennel-You can also consume fennel to remove belching. To consume fennel, you can chew it plain and drink it after boiling it in tea or water. When sour belching occurs, heat a cup of water and add fennel seeds to it and cook it. By drinking this water, the problem of belching will go away.

Coconut water There is a lot of iron and vitamins. Drinking coconut water gives quick relief at the time of burning, in fact, by consuming it, the level of pH in the body is maintained. Coconut water contains a lot of fiber, which helps to calm your digestive system. helps in Also, it can protect your stomach from the effects of frequent acid production.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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