On World Autism Awareness Day, know the facts related to this disease, what are the symptoms, causes and treatment

World Autism Awareness Day 2023 : If you child is also having trouble in reading, writing, listening and speaking, then you need to be careful, because the child can also be in the grip of autism. To prevent children from falling prey to this disease, World Autism Awareness Day 2023 is celebrated every year on April 2 worldwide. On this day people are informed about the facts related to autism, so that it can be treated in time. If you are also unaware of this disease, then let us know the complete information about autism.. Its symptoms, causes and treatment…

what is autism

Autism is also known as mental illness. In this disease, the development of the brain is not complete. After coming in the grip of this disease, the child or any person remains lost in his own world apart from the outside world. That’s why some people start considering him as retarded, but it is not so. This is just a myth. People with autism are not retarded. It is a fact that they hesitate to mix with the society.

What are the symptoms of autism

A child suffering from autism is mentally weak. There can also be a problem of epilepsy if there is autism. In many cases, children also have difficulty in speaking and listening. When this disease reaches a dangerous level, then it is known as autistic disorder. When the symptoms are less dominant, it is called autism spectrum disorder.

How to identify autism

1. When the child’s confidence is low and he does not make eye contact while talking to someone. While doing this he gets nervous.

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2. Such children like to be alone for a long time. They do not like to sit with anyone.

3. After coming in the grip of this disease, children do not use their hands while talking.

4. Such children are not able to give any signal.

5. Children who like to play only one type of game can also be in the grip of autism.

6. Autism sufferers are unable to answer anything. They even ignore someone’s words.

7. It is not easy for such children to accept change.

what causes autism

1. If the necessary vaccine is not given before and after the birth of the child, then there is a possibility of being at risk of this disease.

2. This problem can occur if the mother has any serious illness during pregnancy.

3. Babies born prematurely do not develop properly in the womb. Such children can also come under the grip of autism.

4. According to many research, boys become more victims of autism than girls.

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