Do apply these 3 tomato face packs, they will have better effect than expensive cosmetics.

Tomato Face Pack: Every woman wishes that she looks very beautiful… People read her beauty stories. Her face shines like the moon. For this, women often use many types of beauty products, these beauty products make them beautiful and glowing for a while. But they leave no stone unturned to harm the face. In such a situation, we are giving you information about three face packs made of tomato, using which your face will look like a tomato and red. Actually tomato vitamin C. And it is rich in antioxidants which along with improving the complexion can bring many other benefits to the skin. Let’s know about this in detail

tomato and sugar

Mash the tomato and extract its juice. Add one spoon of sugar to this juice. Then mix this mixture well and apply it on your face while rubbing it slowly. Leave this pack on the face for some time and after drying, wash the face with water. This will bring natural glow on the skin.

Tomato and Honey

You can make a face pack by mixing tomato and honey, it deep cleans the skin and makes the skin soft. Applying a mixture of tomato and honey helps to get rid of pimples and stubborn marks quickly. It helps to clean the excess oil and dirt accumulated on the face. Effective in. It also cleans the pores. To make it, you first mash one tomato and add one spoon of honey to it. Now apply this paste on your face and leave it for some time. When the pack applied on the face dries, wash it with water. This also gives a lot of glow to the face.

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Tomato and Lemon

Tomato and lemon both are considered excellent cleansers. The face pack made from them is very helpful in increasing the glow of the face. It helps a lot in reducing access oil to the skin. To make this, grind tomatoes and prepare a paste by mixing lemon and honey in the same amount in a small spoon. Apply this paste on the face and leave it for some time, then wash the face with plain water. Applying it improves complexion, gets rid of problems like pigmentation.

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