Do not forget to eat these food items with medicine, otherwise it may cause harm.

Medicine Side Effects List: Getting sick and getting healthy is a natural process. As soon as virus, bacteria and other disease-causing parasites enter the body, then symptoms like fatigue, body heat start appearing in the body. This is a sign of being sick. As soon as you take medicine or the immune system works on its own, it starts killing these bacteria, viruses and the patient becomes fit. Generally, any person takes medicine when he is ill. But do you know that it is not necessary to take medicine on time, what are you eating along with the medicine? It is also important to take care of this. Eating certain things along with the medicine can cause harm.

what not to eat with medicine

don’t drink orange juice

If you are taking medicine, you should not drink orange juice immediately after. It is believed and it has also been revealed in many studies that taking orange juice increases the time for the drug to dissolve in the body. Due to this, the medicine takes effect late. Products containing vitamin C delay the dissolution of the drug.

Do not drink caffeinated drinks

Caffeine is found in coffee. At the same time, caffeine is also used in energy drinks. In such a situation, drinking caffeinated drinks along with the medicine should be avoided. It has a negative effect on the body, while the time for the drug to dissolve also increases.

don’t drink alcohol

One should not drink alcohol after taking the medicine. There are many medicines which react with alcohol. This causes rashes and itching on the body. This also seriously damages the liver.

  These changes appear as cigarette smoke enters the body.

Do not take dairy products

Milk is considered beneficial for health. Doctors encourage to drink milk. At the same time, doctors have different opinion about drinking milk along with medicine. Doctors say that taking medicine with milk can reduce the effect. Dairy products work to reduce the effect of medicines. They should be avoided.

don’t even eat liquorice

Mulethi is considered a panacea for sore throat. It also works to heal the digestive system. At the same time, it is advised not to eat liquorice after taking medicine, in fact, glycyrrhizin is found in liquorice, which can reduce the effect of many medicines.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

read this also: If you catch these changes in urine on time, then you can avoid this serious disease.

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