Weight Loss Tips For Women in 30s: 5 Effective Habits to Help Shed Unhealthy Fat

It is possible to safely achieve a healthy body weight by age 30. Here are some habits to focus on.

Weight Loss Tips for Women in their 30s: 5 Effective Habits to Help Shed Unhealthy Fat

Your health should be a top priority throughout your life, even in your 30s. Exercise is an important part of any healthy lifestyle and can be a great way to help you reach your weight loss goals. It’s important to tailor your exercise routine based on your age and fitness level so you can get the most out of it. However, it is possible to safely achieve a healthy body weight that promotes your overall health. This article covers 5 effective ways to lose weight in your 30s.

Nutritionist, Anjali Mukerjee reveals in his Instagram post “Being overweight makes one prone to diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other diseases. It’s important to understand that the health benefits of being fit and healthy far outweigh reckless eating. Research has shown that two in three women in urban India and one in three in rural India over the age of 35 are overweight. This means that two thirds of women over 35 in urban India and one third in rural India are overweight. The worrying part is that it’s not as easy to lose weight when you’re over 35, compared to your 25-year-old body.” Here are some ways that will help get rid of excess weight.

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Weight Loss Tips for Women in their 30s: 5 Effective Habits to Help Shed Unhealthy Fat

  1. Walk an hour every day
  2. Increase the fiber in your diet to about 30-35 grams a day
  3. Make your last meal light and finish it by 7 pm
  4. Limit your oil intake to 2-3 tablespoons a day
  5. Start your meal with a raw salad (at least once a day)

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Exercise helps build muscle strength, increase stamina, reduce stress, and improve general well-being.

Release Date: Apr 24, 2023 10:38am IST

Date Updated: Apr 24 2023 10:39 am IST

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