If you also apply kajal in the eyes of small children, then know the harm caused by it

Is It Safe To Put Kajal On Baby Eyes: Applying kajal to a newborn baby is considered a ritual in every Indian household. Elderly people believe that applying kajal does not affect the vision of children. Along with this, their eyes become bigger. But if you look from the medical and scientific point of view, applying kajal in the eyes of a newborn child can cause many damages. Let us know what can be the disadvantages of applying kajal in the eyes of a newborn.

Disadvantages of applying kajal in children’s eyes

Nowadays chemical-rich kajals are available in the market. Which can be harmful if applied in the eyes of a newborn. Because the eyes of a small child are very delicate. In such a situation, using any chemical can cause harm to the child. Experts say that kajal is not at all safe for children. Kajal contains a lot of lead, which can affect other parts of the body by going through the eyes and can cause problems related to the brain, bone marrow.

May be these problems

Applying kajal in the eyes can cause chemical conjunctivitis. This can cause problems like eye infection, reddening of the eyes, continuous watering of the eyes, sticking of the eyes. Apart from this, there can also be a problem of corneal ulcer. In this too, there may be a problem of pain in the eyes along with reddening of the eyes. At the same time, there is a high risk of infection on the skin. Applying kajal on the skin can cause pimples, rashes and irritation in children.

Is it safe to apply homemade kajal

Some people believe that kajal prepared from natural things at home is safe. But this kajal is also not safe. Because there can be a risk of infection from this too. Actually the baby’s skin is very sensitive. Even a little carelessness can cause infection. In such a situation, when you apply kajal in the eyes with the help of finger, then the risk of infection increases. Sometimes while applying kajal with finger, there may be an injury to the eye. This may affect eyesight. 

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