Painful Body Aches After Sleeping? 5 SIGNS You Aren’t Aware

From vitamin D deficiency to obesity, the nutritionist reveals some possible causes of body aches after sleep.

Painful body aches after sleep? 5 SIGNS that you are unaware

Painful pain in any part of your body, as soon as you wake up, can be a bit of a problem. It’s hard to do anything when you have nagging muscle pain, a severe headache, or aches all over your body. In this article, we will explain some of the possible causes of body aches after sleep. Nutritionist Kiran Kukreja shares: “Do you also wake up and wonder sometimes” Why does my body ache? If your body often aches upon waking, there are a variety of possible causes, including your mattress, sleeping position, weight, sleep disorders, and underlying health conditions. Multiple reasons are probably to blame.”

1. Vitamin D deficiency: Hypocalcemia, or a low level of calcium in the blood, can occur when you don’t have enough vitamin D in your body. Many of your body’s important organs, such as the kidneys and muscles, depend on calcium to function properly. Your bones also need calcium to stay healthy. Without enough vitamin D to help you absorb calcium, you can feel pain in these organs and in your bones.

2. Anemia: Anemia occurs when your body does not have enough red blood cells to work properly, so your body tissues cannot get enough oxygen. With anemia, many parts of your body can feel fatigued because they don’t get enough oxygen to stay healthy or function properly.
Other symptoms of anemia include: exhaustion, abnormal heart rhythm, dizziness or disorientation, headache or chest pain, cold feet or hands, and pale skin.

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3. Being overweight: Excess weight puts pressure on the back and neck, causing pain. Being overweight can also cause breathing problems during sleep, drastically affecting the quality of your sleep and how good you feel when you wake up. While losing weight may seem like an easy answer to improving the quality of your sleep, it can be difficult for you to stick to a weight loss routine, especially if you wake up with body aches.

4. Poor quality mattress: According to the sleep foundation, sleeping on a poor quality mattress is one of the main reasons your body aches

5. Sleeping position: Your sleeping position can make your body ache when you wake up. In general, sleeping on your side tends to be best for most people, especially those with sleep-disordered breathing, such as obstructive sleep apnea.

Published Date: May 14, 2023 12:09 PM IST

Updated Date: May 14, 2023 12:10 PM IST




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