Diet to keep kidney healthy. – GoMedia

Kidney is one of the important parts of our body. Kidney helps to remove harmful substances from our body. to kidney Healthy To keep it, it is necessary for a man to take care of many things. But sometimes drinking infected food or contaminated water causes other types of kidney diseases. many times kidney infection bacteria enter the kidney and then urinary tract and spreads to the kidney which is very painful Proves that’s why any disease or any symptoms related to kidney appear Do take the advice of the doctor and get it treated on time.

There are many diseases related to kidney such as –

  • acute kidney injury

  • urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • nephrotic syndrome

  • glomerulonephritis

  • Prostate disease – B. P.H

All these diseases are related to the kidney and their presence is more fatal. It is very important to get treatment for all these diseases at the right time. If you want to get treatment for any of these diseases, then you can contact us. Whatsapp (+91 9654030724 And +91 9599004811) can also be contacted.

Common symptoms associated with kidney problems include:

  • swelling of the eyes, hands, and feet
  • high blood pressure
  • breathlessness
  • itchy skin
  • Insomnia
  • difficulty concentrating
  • muscle cramps
  • body weight loss
  • dry skin
  • increased thirst
  • nausea and vomiting
  • accumulation of fluid in the body
  • loss of appetite

  • feeling more weak and tired

What should be eaten to keep the kidney healthy.

To cure kidney diseases Doctor Along with the medicines given by the doctor, some other substances should also be consumed, which will help in keeping the kidney healthy. Some of the foods that should be consumed to reduce and cure kidney infection are:

  • Lentils: Lentils are the main source of Poten. Protein, Calcium, Iron Including jai other nutrients are included and it is also beneficial in fighting diseases.
  • Apple: Consuming fruits is more beneficial. Every person must include apple in his daily diet, by consuming it the person stays away from diseases.
  • black sesame: Black sesame is beneficial for health. Its consumption has a favorable effect on the body. It helps in getting relief from many diseases and also keeps the kidney healthy. Vitamin E, Fiber, Protein, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc As are any nutrients.
  • WaterThe function of the kidney is to remove harmful substances from the blood and remove them from the body. The kidney filters out harmful substances from the body in the form of urine. These urine It is made up of water. It is necessary that we maintain adequate water intake level in our body in order for the kidney to do its work smoothly and keep the harmful elements out of the body. One and a half to two liters of water must be consumed daily. Along with this, we also need to complete our sleep.
  • red bell pepper: Red capsicum is low in potassium, it also Vitamin-A, C, B6, Folic Acid And are rich in fiber. It is also rich in lycopene, which helps in keeping the kidneys healthy. They can be eaten roasted or cut into salads.
  • CranberryCranberries act as a natural medicine for urinary tract infections (UTIs). This Urine Increases the acidic level in the stomach, which kills the bacteria. Also, cranberries keep the kidney away from diseases.
  • fatty fish : fatty fish Omega-3 Fatty Acid And they are full of antioxidants, which the human body cannot manufacture on its own. In the same situation, eating fish thrice a week lowers cholesterol levels. as well as body swelling also decreases and cancer Fights with and makes the kidney healthy.
  • GarlicConsumption of garlic is beneficial for those who are suffering from kidney disease. Kidney problems also require reducing sodium intake, which includes salt. In such a situation, garlic is considered a good alternative to salt. This not only improves the taste of food, but also increases its nutrients. this manganese, vitamin C And Vitamin-B6 Also a good source of In addition, in sulfur compounds are in which anti-inflammatory There are qualities.
  • Pineapple: Pineapple is considered very good for health, it is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens your immunity. The fiber present in pineapple is considered helpful in curing kidney related diseases. That’s why diet to keep kidney healthy Can include pineapple.
  • Jamun: Jamun is full of many properties with taste, it contains many types of anti-oxidants which can help you in keeping the kidney healthy, Jamun present in potassium sodium And phosphorus kidney Very beneficial for

If you want to ask any question related to this Click here. besides you You can consult a doctor directly by downloading our app from play store. You …. Us Whatsapp (+91 9654030724 And +91 9599004811) can also be contacted. Apart from this, you can also email us at [email protected] regarding our services. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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