Excessive consumption of rock salt can cause harm to these people, especially people suffering from this disease should be careful.

Sendha Namak Side Effects: There is no taste in life without salt. Now-a-days due to increasing health awareness, people have started using low sodium rock salt (Sendha Namak). It is also called Himalayan salt or pink salt or rock salt. If seen, rock salt is such a mineral which contains sodium in very less quantity and it does not have to go through any chemical process in making it, hence it is called pure salt. But just as everything has side effects, in the same way, continuous consumption of rock salt can cause many types of damage to the body (Sendha Namak side effects). Let us tell you that the amount of iodine in rock salt is very less. If it is consumed continuously in comparison to normal salt, then the body can become a victim of many diseases. Today let us tell you that excessive consumption of rock salt or just rock salt can be harmful for you.

Excessive use of rock salt can cause goiter

Iodine (Iron) in rock salt is very less as compared to normal salt. In such a situation, if it is consumed continuously and more, then there may be a deficiency of a mineral called iodine in the body. Deficiency of iodine in the body increases the chances of getting a disease called goitre (in common parlance, goitre). In this disease, a lump is formed in the throat and there is difficulty in eating and swallowing.

Thyroid patients may suffer more

Due to the lack of iodine in rock salt, it can also be harmful for thyroid patients. Such people who are suffering from thyroid, they should use normal salt only. Deficiency of iodine in this salt can cause dangerous changes in their thyroid levels. That’s why thyroid patients should also not use rock salt.

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May increase the risk of low blood pressure

People who have the problem of low blood pressure, that is, those who are victims of low BP, they should not consume too much rock salt. Actually, a lot of potassium is found in rock salt, which is good for high BP patients, but excessive consumption of it can make the patient’s BP more low. That’s why people suffering from low BP should not consume it, otherwise BP can go much lower than normal.

Rock salt can become a problem of water retention

Due to excessive use of rock salt, the problem of water retention i.e. fluid accumulation in the body can raise its head. Therefore, if you are already a victim of this, then you should reduce the use of rock salt. Excessive water retention in the body can lead to a disease called edema. In this disease, water accumulates in the tissues of the body and the body parts swell. In this case the skin gets tanned and it starts itching. Apart from this, pain also starts in the joints.

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