Litchi face pack is best for summer skin care routine… face will shine like glass

Litchi Face Pack: Litchi is considered very effective for health as well as for the skin. You can get rid of summer problems by including this in your skin care routine. Litchi can be used as a face scrub face mask cleanser. If you also get troubled by the problem of pigmentation, acne and dry skin in summer, then make litchi a part of your skin care. We are telling you the use of litchi in four ways, from which you can get a lot of benefit.

Make these 4 face packs with litchi

Lychee and sandalwood

To make a face pack of litchi and sandalwood, make a paste of 4 to 5 litchis. With this, prepare a paste by mixing two spoons of sandalwood powder, half a spoon of turmeric in it. Apply this paste on the face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes and finally wash it off with plain water. This pack can cure skin damage caused by the sun.

Lychee and Honey

To make a face mask of litchi and honey, prepare a fine paste by mixing two spoons of aloe vera gel, one spoon of honey and 2 to 3 spoons of litchi juice, half a spoon of turmeric in a bowl, apply this paste on the face and neck and leave it for 15 minutes. Leave it for a while and then wash it off with plain water. Explain that the antioxidant and anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties present in honey help in retaining moisture in the skin.

Lychee and Lemon

Applying a face pack of litchi and lemon juice can also be beneficial. For this, blend three to four litchis. Add the juice of one lemon to it. Mix both of them well. After this apply this pack on the place where there is pigmentation. After 15 to 20 minutes, when this pack dries, wash it with water. With regular use, the problem of pigmentation can be reduced to a great extent.

litchi and milk

  better and healthier lifestyle

Litchi and milk face pack can also do wonders for your face. For this, peel and grind litchi. Add about one to two teaspoons of milk to this paste. Your face pack is ready. Leave this pack on the face. After about 20 minutes, clean the face with normal water. By exfoliating the skin, dead skin cells will be removed and natural glow will come on the skin.

Benefits of litchi face pack

  • The problem of wrinkles of the skin can be overcome with the face pack of litchi.
  • It also works the aging science by removing wrinkles.
  • With this the problem of tanning can also be removed.
  • Litchi is also very helpful in getting rid of dry skin.
  • Antioxidants present in litchi help protect the skin from damage
  • Vitamin C present in litchi provides natural glow to the skin

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