Scary truth of transgender surgery, half of those who undergo operation have life-threatening problems

A horrifying truth about the surgery of transgenders has come to the fore. Actually, recently a report has been published on Daily Mail regarding ‘Gender Dysphoria’. Many people know but those who do not know let us tell them that gender dysphoria means. People who feel that their natural gender does not match with their physical identity. Means the gender with which you were born is not matching with your personality. Such people resort to surgery to change gender.

According to the report published in Daily Mail, people suffering from ‘gender dysphoria’ undergo surgery to change gender, but even after the operation, they have to face many physical problems. A survey has also been mentioned in this report, in which it was told that 16 percent i.e. one in 6 have resorted to operation to change gender. But even after the operation, he has to face a lot of difficulties and pain.

What does research say

Research shows that more than half of trans men and women suffer from other life-threatening physical problems and pain after the operation so severe that they have to resort to medical treatment for months. Still she is not recovering completely.

The scary truth of transgender surgery

This operation is very difficult because in this the genitals of the opposite sex are created using nerves, arteries, muscles and skin from other parts of the body. It is very difficult for surgeons to perform this operation because many types of blood circulation have to be corrected in it. Which are very delicate, as well as the blood vessels of the body, the network of nerves should also be taken care of. Special care is taken of all the nerves so that there is no problem in passing the toilet or there is no problem in erection in future. That’s why this surgery is considered very difficult.

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Cases of sex change surgery have increased in recent years. According to the survey, one in six transgenders in America has opted for sex-change surgery. Between 2006 and 2011, 84 percent of transgenders decided to undergo surgery. But those who undergo this surgery spend their lives in a lot of pain even after the operation.

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