Are you afraid of falling in love? Are you a victim of Philophobia?

Philophobia: Every person in the world is afraid of something or the other. Some are afraid of height, some are afraid of water… even some people are afraid of cockroaches. But do you know that some people are afraid of falling in love. Yes, you read it right. It is a kind of mental illness. It is called philophobia in medical language. It can prevent you from experiencing love. Let us know why this happens. happens to people.

What is Philophobia?

Philophobia is derived from the Greek word philo which means love and you all know the meaning of phobia. It is a problem in which there is a fear of love and emotional attachment. For normal people, love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. But people suffering from this problem consider love as terrible. This can happen to people who have had bad experiences in previous relationships. Or have gone wrong in love with a member of the household. Fear of being abandoned can also be an important factor in the fear of falling in love. Philophobia symptoms can vary from person to person. When this fear is mild, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the fear of falling in love becomes excessive, pervasive, and interferes with a person’s daily functioning or quality of life, seeking professional help may be beneficial.

Symptoms of Philophobia?

  • Pan by not expressing inner feelings related to love
  • refrain from attending weddings
  • Avoiding places related to love and romance
  • anxiety and nervousness about falling in love
  • sweat thinking about love
  • nervousness and nausea
  • fast breathing
  • upset stomach

what is its treatment

Psychotherapists and medications are helpful in treating Philophobia. Treatment can vary depending on the severity of the phobia. These treatments can include therapy, medications, lifestyle changes. CBT is most effective in treating Philophobia. There is treatment.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or related expert.

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