Important news for diabetic patients… Monsoon can increase your problems, keep your blood like this

Diabetes Health In Monsoon: Although the rainy season ie Monsoon is very good because after the heavy heat, the rain gives a lot of relief. But monsoon can be very risky for health as it brings many infectious diseases along with it. Especially those people who are already ill, this season can be very sensitive for their health. Diabetes patients also fall ill the most in this season. In fact, diabetic patients are quick victims of infectious diseases, so these patients are advised to take special care of their health in monsoon.

Why monsoon is dangerous for sugar patients

Experts say that diabetes patients are more prone to falling ill during the monsoon season because there are huge fluctuations in the weather at this time. Apart from this, many diseases caused by water pollution, stale food and dirty water also become risky for these patients. Therefore, in this season, the patient of sugar should not be negligent about his health.

Sugar patients can be victims of these diseases during monsoon

As health experts tell that in sugar disease, a patient soon falls in the grip of bacterial disease. In such a situation, if you have diabetes, then prevention from fungus, skin infection and digestion related diseases is necessary. Apart from this, weak immunity also bothers sugar patients and during the monsoon season, sugar patients with weak immunity soon become victims of infectious diseases. In such a situation, the risk of dengue, chikungunya, fungal infection in the feet, indigestion, diarrhea as well as skin infection can bother sugar patients.

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This is how sugar patients should take care of themselves in monsoon

Sugar patients should eat fresh food and drink clean water in monsoon. If you want, boil the water and drink it. During this, keep your immunity strong so that bacterial diseases do not spread around you. For this, the consumption of spices and vegetables that increase immunity will be right. Avoid eating food outside because if the food is not cooked properly or is stale then you may become a victim of diarrhea. To avoid fungal infection, go out only wearing good quality shoes. Prevention from mosquitoes is necessary because due to weak immunity, the risk of dengue can be high. Keep drinking water continuously and attention should also be paid to physical exercise.

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