It is necessary to take steam for healthy skin… but what is the right way to take steam, also know this

Face Steam:Taking face steam gives many benefits to the skin. The practice of taking steam on the face has been going on since the time of Romans and Greeks. This gives oxygen to the skin and keeps the skin healthy. Although some people take steam in the wrong way. Due to which the skin gets harmed instead of benefited. In such a situation, today we are telling you the right way to take face steam, the right time and its benefits. Let us know about this in detail.

What is the right time to take face steam?

There are some people who take steam every day due to taking more benefits. But doing so can cause harm. This will leave the pores of the skin open. You can take steam two to three times a month. It is necessary to clean the face before taking steam. 5 to 10 minutes is enough time to take steam. After taking steam, the face should always be moisturized by pat drying it. If your skin is sensitive or acne prone or dry then you should not take steam.

Know the process of getting Steam

  • To take steam, take hot water in a big bowl.
  • You will also need a towel.
  • First of all clean your face.
  • You can mix any essential oil in hot water according to your face.
  • Wrap a towel over the head.
  • The steam should come only on your face.
  • Now tilt the face over the hot water.
  • Inhale steam for 5 to 10 minutes, during this keep your eyes closed.
  • Keep in mind that the face should not be taken too close to the water.
  • This can burn your face.
  • After giving steam to the face, apply moisturizing cream or aloe vera gel.

Know the benefits of taking steam

1.Taking steam removes facial fatigue. Blood circulation is promoted. This opens the pores of the face.

2.Get rid of blackheads. This softens the blackheads, after which they are easily removed.

3.Dead skin cells come out and your skin glows.

4.Oxygen reaches the face by taking steam. Your skin can breathe freely and becomes healthy from inside.

5.Taking steam can also solve the problem of pimples. Because when there is dirt on your face, it blocks the pores. Because of which there can be a problem of pimples.

6.Taking steam also removes the problem of dark circles.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or related expert.

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