Do you also go through terrible pain on the second day of periods? Try these tricks to get rid of it

Those 5 days of periods are troubled days for any woman or girl. Today, through our article, we will talk about the terrible pain during periods, especially about the pain on the second or third day. If you are also one of those people who have to face terrible pain on the second or third day of periods, then we have brought easy tricks for you, after trying  you will definitely get relief from this pain to some extent.&nbsp ; According to health experts, why period pain gets worse on the second day of periods.

Why are period pains more painful on the second day?

Periods involve regular shedding of blood and tissues. Due to which the muscles of the uterus can shrink and the supply of blood and oxygen to the uterus starts decreasing. There is a lack of oxygen in the uterus. So it releases chemicals like prostaglandin which can trigger pain due to which the uterus starts contracting. This type of period pain usually occurs on the second day of your period and is called dysmenorrhea.

Tips to reduce second day period pain

Period cramps can be painful. Especially on the second day. Listed below are 8 ways to get period pain relief.

Warm your abdomen with a hot water bag

Sooth your muscles with a hot water bag. Can be found and blood circulation can be improved. Due to which the cramps of periods can be reduced. This gives relief from stomach cramps. 

Reduce caffeine intake

If you depend on coffee to function. So it may not be helpful during periods as caffeine narrows your blood circulation. Due to which your uterus can shrink. Which can lead to painful cramps. Here’s more information on the connection between caffeine and menstrual cramps.

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Drink ajwain water

Ajwain, commonly known as carom Not only does it cure digestive problems, but it can also reduce menstrual pain. It is a useful medicinal remedy that can treat pain and spasms due to its high content of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fibre, saponins, flavor and iron such as calcium, iron, iodine, manganese and thiamin.

Eat vegetables according to heat

Eat dark chocolate, avocado, salmon, green leafy vegetables and broccoli during periods. Due to which you will feel comfortable. Consuming these foods helps in reducing bloating and other menstrual cramps.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article are to be followed. Before taking the advice of a doctor or related expert.

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