Young people from Public Health Northamptonshire’s ‘Talk out Loud’ metal health stigma program have teamed up at Northampton Town Football Club to create a mental health themed graffiti mural. The theme of the mural is ‘IT IS THE INSIDE THAT MATTER’

Several young people worked with a local graffiti artist to create the design in the family area of ​​the Soccer Club.

Program director Tessa Parkinson said: “Our young people have designed the wall to remind people that sometimes how we look and how we present ourselves to the outside world is not really how we feel. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, so it’s important to stop and consider how we feel about ourselves and others. We would like to thank Northampton Town Football Club for their commitment to this permanent reminder of the importance of looking after our mental health.”

Northampton Town first-team manager Marc Richards is pleased to see progress has been made to help improve support for those in need: “I would not have felt comfortable during my 20-year career talking to my coaches about issues of mental health. however, it’s much easier for the guys now than it was 10 or 15 years ago with the support networks around them,” he said.

“I am pleased and proud that as a club we have been able to play such an important role in the Talk Out Loud programme. The club has a proud history of supporting mental health plans, and this wall will act as a visual and permanent medium. “. Reminder to anyone visiting Sixfields, of any age, that help and support is available, just reach out.”

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