Does homeopathy medicine really contain alcohol? If you take medicine in fever, it works…does it?

In today’s modern culture and lifestyle, if you choose ‘homeopathic’ for treatment, someone will say with a firecracker that this man is definitely stingy. He is saving money, not his health. But even today there are many people in India who have full faith in homeopathic medicine. And they believe that this medicine can also cure the disease from the root and that too without any dangerous side effects. Nowadays such a mentality has become that allopathic is best. It may take a little more money but the person gets cured immediately. It is like this that life is so full of running and running that as soon as a slight fever or cold occurs, people take out a tablet from the bag and the next day it is fine. In such a situation, homeopathy or Ayurveda is being left behind in our culture.

Why do people have no faith in homeopathy?

People trust allopathic more than homeopathic. Because it takes time in homeopathic and in less time in allopathic it cures the disease. Even if you tell someone to get treatment through homeopathic treatment, they will say only one thing, there is not much time and don’t know whether it will work or not? This question really comes to mind many times whether homeopathic medicine will work or not? Will the disease be cured or not? How long will it take to recover?

Today in this article, we will tell you how much time it takes for homeopathic medicine to work. How does homeopathic medicine work? Homeopathic medicine takes effect after how many days? etc. Will try to answer all kinds of questions related to homeopathic medicine. Sanjay Thakur, a renowned homeopathic doctor based in Delhi From here we tried to know the answers to all these questions.

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Dr. Sanjay Thakur Let us tell you that how the homeopathic medicine will work depends entirely on what is your ailment? In the language of homeopathy, diseases are divided into two parts. First acute and second chronic. Cold-cough, cold come under acute disease. If you take homeopathy medicine in these diseases, then you will see its effect within 1 to 2 days. On the other hand, chronic disease means chronic disease like liver, kidney, intestine, arthritis, which has been troubling you for years. It takes 8-10 months to see the effect of homeopathic on such a disease.

Dr. Sanjay Thakur It is said that the most important thing about homeopathic medicine is that it does not work to suppress the disease, rather it works to eliminate it from the root. On the other hand, allopathic medicine does not cure the disease, rather it suppresses it for some time. Along with this, the doctor also told that in homeopathy, when medicine is given in a disease, it is given on the basis of the symptoms of the disease. The dosage of the medicine is given on the basis of the symptoms of the disease.

Can homeopathic be taken empty stomach?

According to homeopaths, homeopathic medicines should be taken on an empty stomach. With this you will see its effect immediately. You should not eat anything before taking the medicine. Homeopathic experts tell that if you are taking homeopathic medicine to cure any disease, then you should not eat anything one hour before and one hour after taking it. If you want to see the effect of the medicine in a few days, then you have to follow this rule.

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Homeopathic medicine acts on the body in a different way

Suppose if a person is taking homeopathic medicine for itching, then it will be increased by giving medicine first. And then it will be eradicated from the root. Doctors tell about this that the nature of homeopathic is such that it eradicates the disease from the root. Because of which its treatment takes time. Also, when it cures the disease, during that time side effects can be seen on the body.

In how many days homeopathy shows effect in common disease?

According to homeopathy experts, the effect of homeopathic medicine is visible in common diseases in 2-3 days. Also pay attention to its dosage.

Are there side effects of homeopathic medicine?

It is not advisable to take homeopathic medicine in serious and major diseases. But some such disease in which you have a lot of time, then often people say that homeopathy medicine should be taken. Because the losses due to this are negligible. Cases of side effects are also rarely seen.

what is homeopathic medicine

Homeopathy is a unique system of medicine based on the belief that the body can heal itself. It was developed in Germany in the late 1700s. It is common in many European countries, but not as popular in the United States.

Does homeopathy medicine really contain alcohol? does it get high

Natural things are collected in it to make homeopathic medicines. Along with this, water and alcohol are also used in this. Now you will think that mixing alcohol with alcohol also causes intoxication after consuming the medicine. So for your information, let us tell you that it is not so at all. Alcohol is added in small quantities. Which is not intoxicated, but it is mixed in it to dilute the medicine. Some homeopathic medicines are also made from penicillin and aspirin.

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Homeopathic medicines work at the atomic level or molecular level and also through dynamization and potentization. Whenever homeopathic medicines are made, they are made by extracting its extract from any plant. It means that juice is extracted from a plant and in a way its juice is made like serum and mother tincture is made from it. Then 1 percent is taken from that mother tincture and 99% percent is diluted with alcohol. After that, a theory works in its medicine, that is potentization. Potentiation is done with the help of suction. Dilution is made by this process. Now this dilution is given to the medicines to the patients.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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