‘I’m a PT. Here’s exactly what workout you should try according to your mood today.’

Prescription for: Brain fog, take 1 cycle class.

Brain fog, stuck on ideas or need to reflect on a problem? A mindless activity like a cycling class or jumping on the treadmill might help clear your thoughts.

I have taken my fair share of this medication and it almost always works. I don’t know if it has something to do with more oxygen pumping around your brain or the change of scenery helping you think differently.

Listen to The Quicky, Mamamia’s daily news podcast. The post continues below.

Recipe for: Annoyed as f**k, take 1 x yoga class.

The mental effect that focused breathing yoga is famous for is a sure antidote to your irritation.

There’s a reason they tell you to “take a deep breath” when you’re losing your mind. That shot of oxygen helps calm your nerves and, for a brief moment, focus your attention on your breath instead of whatever (or whoever) is bothering you.

Recipe for: Groundhog Day, take 1 x something new!

Routine is good, especially when it comes to sticking to your exercise routine, but it can be less than inspiring if you’ve been doing the same thing forever.

It’s time to get in shape: Try a new group fitness class, hire the services of a personal trainer, or even something as simple as working out at a different time of day might be enough to get you inspired again.

Recipe for: Energized, take 7 times anything!

When it comes to your training and you’re feeling AH-AMAZING, you have to squeeze that energy for all it’s worth; We know these days don’t come around often.

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So if you’re having one of these unicorn days, ramp up your training with the goals you’ve been trying to hit. Is your goal to do a push-up on your toes? Try it today. Is your goal to run on the treadmill for five more minutes? Try it today. Is your goal to squat an extra 5kg? Then you know what to do, damn it!

As you can see, there really is a workout for every mood.

Marie has been a fitness industry professional since 2005 and currently owns 12RND Fitness in Canberra. She is a qualified Personal Trainer, Les Mills Group Fitness Instructor, and CrossFit Trainer. you can follow her on Instagram.

Featured Image: Getty / Mamamia

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