In a desperate attempt to save his life, doctors transferred him to a tertiary neonatal hospital in Ahmedabad. Initially it was assumed that it was a case of birth asphyxia, but the medical team discovered something unexpected. The newborn’s critical condition was attributed to extremely high levels of
Shockingly, the boy’s nicotine levels were 3,000 percent above adult allowable levels, measuring 60 ng/ml. Expressing remorse, the mother reflected on her habits and said, “In our village, both men and women use tobacco regularly. I started using tobacco when I was 15 years old. I never realized that the habit could endanger my son’s health.”
After five days of treatment, the child shows signs of recovery
The boy’s father, also a mawa addict, vowed to kick the habit, acknowledging the risks it posed to his family’s well-being. “When the child came to us, he appeared to be a healthy child who had fallen into a coma. Although he was initially diagnosed with birth asphyxia, his symptoms did not align with typical cases, as he showed no signs of neurological damage.” said Dr. Ashish Mehta, a senior neonatologist, who described the situation.
To unravel this medical mystery, the medical team inquired into the history of the child and the mother. They discovered that the mother had unknowingly been exposing her fetus to high levels of nicotine by frequently using tobacco in packets or raw, which she bought at local pot shops. She chewed tobacco approximately 10 to 15 times a day, unaware of the danger she posed to her unborn child. Known as the epicenter of oral cancer, Gujarat grapples with widespread addiction to chewing tobacco.
According to the National Family Health Survey 5 conducted in 2020, 41 percent of men and 8.7 percent of women in the state use tobacco (1✔ ✔Reliable source
Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya releases NFHS-5 report
go to source). Alarmingly, this addiction is now affecting newborns. After five days of treatment, the boy showed signs of recovery and was discharged. Dr. Mehta consulted international experts who emphasized the immense benefits of breastfeeding and advised the mother to abstain from tobacco while she breastfeeds.
Reference :
- Union Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya releases NFHS-5 report – (
Source: IANS