Diabetes Care in Monsoon: How to Keep Your Feet Safe?

Diabetes care in Monzón: During this time of year, people with diabetes are more prone to a variety of infections that can weaken their immune systems and damage their overall health.

Diabetes care in Monzón: How to keep your feet safe in the rainy season? 5 tips to follow

Monsoon Diabetic Foot Care: Diabetes patients need to take extra precautions during the monsoon because their wounds heal more slowly. The monsoon also brings humidity and an increase in infections. While most of us succumb to the wrath of these germs, for diabetes patients in particular, the situation becomes complicated and uncontrollable. This is particularly true of your feet; therefore, diabetic foot care is a crucial aspect of health that cannot be overlooked. Despite having diabetes, you can maintain the health of your feet by following some crucial precautions to protect yourself against infection and other problems during the monsoon.


  1. Suitable footwear: Selecting footwear that offers sufficient support and defense is crucial for diabetic foot care. Wear shoes with a big toe box and a proper fit so your toes are not pinched or pinched. Serious repercussions can result from even a small cut. Poor blood circulation is the result of high blood sugar. As a result, the nerves in your feet can be damaged.
  2. Foot hygiene: Keeping your feet clean and dry is especially important during this time of year, as moisture can encourage the growth of bacteria on the skin, which can lead to infection. Daily foot washing with warm water and mild soap is essential. Dry them completely and, if necessary, add moisturizer.
  3. Check your blood sugar level: High blood sugar levels can reduce blood flow to the feet, which can cause numbness and tingling in the feet. As a result, it is critical to regularly monitor your blood sugar levels so that any fluctuations can be identified and properly managed as soon as they occur.
  4. Healthy diet: Diabetics should be careful about what they eat and drink during this time of year. Eat only home cooked food please. You can be sure of the cleanliness, excellence and nutritional content of your food in this way. eat foods that boost immunity.
  5. Keep hydrated: Staying hydrated is essential during the monsoon season due to the humid weather. A person with diabetes can significantly improve their health by drinking plenty of water. If you want to reduce the chance of contracting a waterborne disease, drink warm water.
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You must be extremely careful with your feet during the rainy season due to increased humidity and the consequent risk of infection.

Published Date: July 23, 2023 11:43 AM IST




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