High cholesterol: The hot drink shown to lower cholesterol levels by more than 17%

Ginger is a plant native to Southeast Asia and is part of the Zingiberaceae family. One of the healthiest and most popular spices used in cooking, it is a biological relative of turmeric, cardamom, and galangal. The part of the ginger plant used in spices is the stem, also known as the rhizome, and it can be consumed in a variety of forms, such as powder, juice, or tea. In either form, ginger has a number of health benefits, including lowering cholesterol.

TO study conducted in 2018 on more than 60 people with hyperlipidemia, a condition indicating high cholesterol levels, found that those who ate five grams of powdered ginger each day saw their LDL levels drop by more than 17 percent.

When the study refers to LDL, it refers to a type of cholesterol.

LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein; also known as “bad” cholesterol because of the way it clogs arteries with plaque.

When a study refers to HDL, it is referring to high-density lipoprotein or “good” cholesterol that improves heart health.

READ MORE: High Cholesterol Symptoms: Three Warning Signs of ‘Limb Ischemia’

While the study shows a drop in LDL as a result of taking ginger, the participants had to consume large amounts for the drop to occur.

Despite this, there are other benefits of consuming ginger in the form of food or drink besides lowering cholesterol.

2014 scientific review concluded that “ginger can be considered as part of the treatment of OA [Osteoarthritis]where the patient is motivated to try this nutraceutical”.

Also, a study conducted three years earlier, in 2011, found that ginger, in combination with mastic, cinnamon and sesame oil, could reduce stiffness and pain in people with osteoarthritis in the knees.

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Ginger may also have long-term benefits with regards to brain function and a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, a form of dementia.

This is because chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are key factors in accelerating aging; the more that can be done to slow down these processes, the better, as they are believed to be key in the likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease.

TO study conducted recently in 2014 on animals concluded that “a comparative molecular docking approach using AutoDock was taken to identify potential anti-Alzheimer receptors for ginger.”

However, as with other areas of medical research, more data is needed to establish a link between ginger and Alzheimer’s risk and resistance.

One of the most common places to find ginger is in tea; Known for its ability to relieve an upset stomach, research suggests that ginger tea may lower LDL cholesterol.

In a double-blind clinical study, ginger power lowered lipid levels compared to the placebo group.

Other forms of herbal tea may also have health benefits with data from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggesting that green tea might be helpful.

was discovered in 2011 by the researchers that green tea could result in “significant reductions in … LDL cholesterol concentrations, but no effect on HDL cholesterol was observed.”

Although some teas can lower cholesterol levels, there is a caveat that the effect will not be instantaneous and the effects will not be felt unless the beverage is drunk consistently for several weeks.

Additionally, there are a number of factors that can affect the effectiveness of tea in lowering cholesterol, including alcohol consumption, inactivity, smoking, and diet.

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It is recommended that the best way to find out how effective the tea can be on an individual level is through consultation with your doctor.

More information about cholesterol and ways to lower it is available on the NHS website.

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