Different Vegetables Have Different Benefits, So Runners Should Stock Their Kitchens With These Ones

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Did they tell you to eat your vegetables growing up? Well, it’s for a good reason. Vegetables are a great nutritional mainstay, according to US Dietary Guidelines. Studies like East From the newspaper Circulation support those recommendations by demonstrating that eating vegetables is linked to a lower risk of premature death.

When it comes to runners, the positive health benefits of vegetables are amplified. Some vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties, which are helpful in reducing pain after hard workouts. Others help fight upper respiratory problems, something we want to avoid before a big race. And others lower blood pressure while improving athletic performance.

We spoke with roxana ehsani, MS, RD, CSSD, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, on which vegetables are essential to a runner’s diet. Here are his nine ultimate picks.

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Why should you eat beets?

beets They are a superfood for athletes. In addition to numerous vitamins and minerals, Ehsani says the shakes are high in nitrates, which help with blood flow.

He also says that beets have been shown through research to make you more efficient: “You don’t require as much oxygen when you run, and it also increases the time to exhaustion.”

How can you add beets to your diet?

It can be as simple as drinking beet juice, adding them to a smoothie, or chopping them into a salad.

Ehsani’s favorite way to prepare beets? “Roast them in the oven on high heat. It tastes very sweet.”



Why should you eat bell peppers?

Investigate shows that high intensity exerciseI like it long distance running, can lead to upper respiratory tract infections, such as colds. Fortunately, the same research showed that vitamin C—in which peppers are high—helps prevent this.

Ehsani also praises them for having many antioxidantsthat help prevent heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

How can you add bell peppers to your diet?

Bell peppers are great for snacking. You can cut them into slices and dip them in hummus or ranch. If you want to add them to a whole meal, they’re a great option for tacos, burritos, and stir-fry dishes.

[Related: Benefits of Peppers]



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Why should you eat ginger?

“Ginger is the first root vegetable I think of when it comes to inflammationEhsani says. For runners who cover miles every day, racking up lactic acid in workouts and in the gym to work weak muscles, anything anti-inflammatory is a must.

Ginger also helps with stomach problems. Helps reduce nausea after a hard workout or calm the stomach after a long marathon.

How can you add ginger to your diet?

You can eat ginger raw, says Ehsani, by grating it into soups or stews. You can prepare ginger pieces in a hot tea for a cold day. You can even add it to smoothies and yogurts. Because it’s sweet, a little spicy, and slightly citrusy, it goes with just about anything.



Why should you eat broccoli?

Broccoli is a classic vegetable, often a nightmare for children everywhere. Despite its bad reputation with kids, it’s great for runners.

Broccoli has important nutrients needed for a complete diet: vitamin C supports the immune system, vitamin K supports strong bones and potassium is a valuable electrolyte which needs replenishment after the races.

How can you add broccoli to your diet?

“It’s a really great vegetable to incorporate and have on top,” says Ehsani. He likes to eat it raw with a little sauce or in a salad, but also recommends grilling it for stir fry or rice pilaf.

[Related: Hate Broccoli? Your DNA May Be to Blame]



Why should you eat garlic?

Garlic is packed with great compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, so it’s well-equipped to fight for your health. immune system. Any time a runner feels the onset of an illness, Ehsani recommends garlic right away.

How do you add garlic to your diet?

Garlic is a great addition to a multitude of dishes. You can sprinkle chopped Garlic on avocado toast or throw it in an omelet for breakfast. You can skip it for lunch soups or salads. You can make garlic bread as a side dish with dinner.

“It’s a unique vegetable that people don’t think of as having great benefits,” says Ehsani.



Why should you eat potatoes?

Carbs, carbs, carbs.

If you run every day, you need carbohydrates For energy. Potatoes are an excellent source, and luckily they have even more to offer.

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“Runners always think, ‘Oh, I have to eat a plantain [for potassium],’” says Ehsani. “But you can get [potassium] of potatoes too.”

How can you add potatoes to your diet?

There are tons of ways to use potato. You can roast them, bake them, mash them, turn them into chips or hash browns, add them to soups and chilies, and the list goes on! There’s no shortage of ways to enjoy a potato, so find the one you like best and add it to your rotation.

[Related: Are Potatoes Good for You?]



Why should you eat spinach?

Spinach is loaded with vitamins and minerals, specifically the all-important iron.

“Runners are more susceptible to having lower iron stores,” she says. “So it’s very important that they have good sources of iron every week.”

Ehsani cautions that while animal sources of iron are best absorbed by the body, Spinach can easily do the trick as long as you combine the leafy green with a good source of vitamin C.

How can you add spinach to your diet?

making a single salad Combining spinach with tomatoes or bell peppers that are high in vitamin C will help you reap the benefits of iron.

Spinach is also easy to add to a sandwich, wrap, or smoothie. In fact, you can add it to almost any dish. Ehsani just recommends that if you’re going to cook it, don’t overdo it, or the spinach will sweat out important nutrients.



Why should you eat tomatoes?

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and potassium, and they also have some vitamin K. But their most unique benefit comes when they are cooked.

“Lycopene is extracted,” says Ehsani. Lycopene is an antioxidant that supports bone and oral health. It also helps with blood pressure and reduces the risk of cancer, diabetesand heart disease.

How can you add tomatoes to your diet?

Tomatoes can be made into sauces for pasta, sliced ​​for sandwiches, cubed for salads, or sautéed in stews. You can even just sprinkle salt and drizzle olive oil in a slice for a tasty snack.

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Why should you eat mushrooms?

Fungi are the main sources of vitamin D in the produce aisle. “It is mainly found in dairy products produce,” says Ehsani, and fish. So if he can’t eat dairy or doesn’t like fish, then mushrooms are vital.

Vitamin D is important for many things, including calcium absorption, proper immune function, and general bone, heart, and muscle health. You get vitamin D naturally from the sun, but in the winter months or in colder, cloudier climates, you’ll need to consume more.

How can you add mushrooms to your diet?

Mushrooms they have an almost meaty flavor, making them a good substitute for foods like ground beef or turkey. Like many other vegetables on this list, you can also grill or sauté them.


Bottom line: just eat more vegetables!

Vegetables are good for you, so they need a place in your diet. If he finds he’s not getting enough or if he chokes on seeing something green, Ehsani has some good advice.

“Try them in a variety of different ways,” she says. “Maybe you’ll try it roasted one day, maybe you’ll try it grilled… You don’t have to be eating them raw in a salad because that’s boring, or you don’t have to steam your vegetables.”

do you love to have eggs For breakfast? Great! Try adding a little spinach. It’s about finding creative ways to incorporate more vegetables into your daily routine.

“You don’t have to cut anything out of your diet,” says Ehsani. “We just want you to try to add a little more vegetables.”

[Related: Best Vegetables for Your Immune System]

News and services editor
Chris Hatler is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but before joining Runner’s World and Bicycling, he was a professional Diadora racer, qualifying for multiple US

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