The Effect of Sedentism on Mental Wellbeing

Sedentary behavior, defined as activities that require little or no body movement, consequently resulting in low energy expenditure, has recently emerged as a potential indicator of physical and mental health in adult populations. There is an association between sedentary behavior and mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and self-esteem.

Sedentary lifestyle. Image Credit: fizkes/

What is a sedentary lifestyle?

Sedentary behavior is defined by the Sedentary Behavior Research Network in 2012 as any conscious behavior, such as bending or sitting, that results in an energy expenditure of 1.5 equivalent metabolic tasks (METs) or less. MET is defined as the work metabolic rate relative to the resting standard metabolic rate (RMR) of kcal/(kg/h). A MET is the RMR of a person at rest.

To express quantitative qualitative MET values:

  • Sedentary behavior: 1.0–1.5 METs (
  • Light intensity is 1.6 to 2.9 MET
  • Moderate intensity is from 3 to 5.9
  • Vigorous intensity is ≥6 METs

Physical activity and its implications for mental health

Strong evidence suggests that physical activity is an effective strategy for reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood. This has been found in both reviews and randomized controlled trials.

An Australian study reported increased rates of depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms associated with changes in physical activity. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, a US study reported that reduced physical activity combined with increased screen time before and after the COVID19 lockdown increased the likelihood of depression, loneliness, and stress.

Another report demonstrated a positive effect of light activity on mental health. This finding was corroborated by a UK survey which showed that negative mental health outcomes, including anxiety, were negatively associated with moderate daily physical activity.

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Sedentary behavior and depression.

Mentally passive sedentary behaviors including sitting, listening to media, watching TV, and talking are positively correlated with depression risk. In contrast, sedentary mentally active behaviors, such as reading, typing, and participating in a meeting, are not always associated with depression risk.

In particular, computer use, classified as a mentally active sedentary behavior, was found not to be correlated with depression in one study, but a positive correlation with depression risk was shown in another. This study demonstrates its controversial association with depression.

The mechanistic basis underlying the correlation between sedentary behavior and depression is thought to include blockage of direct communication and reduced social interactions, or reduced time available for physical activity known to increase overall feeling of well-being and reduces the risk of depression

Sedentary behavior and cognitive function

There is a controversial relationship between sedentary behavior and cognitive function. Some studies have indicated that a less sedentary lifestyle and less sedentary work patterns have beneficial cognitive effects, while others have shown no changes in cognitive function.

A study looking at replacing sedentary time slots with other forms of activity for six months in older adults who exhibited little physical activity significantly improved cognitive functions. These activities included moderate to vigorous physical activity and sleep. In contrast, low-intensity physical activity did not cause statistically significant changes.

Physical activity

Physical activity can improve mental well-being. Image Credit: misign/

Effects of COVID-19: sedentary lifestyle and well-being results

A recent study conducted in the UK in response to COVID-19 investigated the association between physical activity and sitting time on mental health in adults, as well as the influence of potential mediators and confounding variables. The researchers conducted an online survey between May and June 2020. 284 participants reported physical exercise, sitting time, and mental health, through validated questionnaires. The results demonstrated that sitting time was strongly associated with adverse mental health effects during confinement conditions.

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Interestingly, those with less sitting time showed a significantly lower depression score than those who demonstrated more physical activity. Similarly, subjective well-being appeared to be more strongly influenced by a reduction in total sitting time, and physical activity was not significant by comparison. A combined analysis showed that the increase in well-being was greater in a group with the least amount of sitting time and moderate or high physical activity compared to those who had a lot of sitting time and little physical activity (ie, the reference group).

Although the association between depression and sedentary behavior is well established in the literature, there is a less robust and, indeed, controversial association between sedentary behavior and well-being.

Furthermore, although there is a strong association between mental health and sedentary behavior, no studies have yet investigated the moderating effect of physical activity on the impact of sedentary behavior on mental health outcomes. Some evidence suggests that a higher volume of physical activity, ie, between 60 and 75 minutes per day, may protect against increased risk of mortality from prolonged sitting (ie, more than 8 hours per day). However, this dampening effect for other mental health outcomes, i.e. well-being, is less demonstrable.

In addition, the study performed a subgroup analysis that demonstrated the relationship between different aspects of physical activity and mental health. Consequently, home and garden physical activity, as well as leisure-related physical activity, showed a negative association with depression and a positive association with well-being. In a study conducted in Italy, gardening demonstrated a positive impact on psychological distress.

The impact of sociodemographic factors, sedentary lifestyle and well-being

A study conducted during the pandemic showed that sociodemographic predictors of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety included female gender and young age, college students had higher rates of depression relative to the general population, and women had more than twice as likely to suffer from it. of depression on men.

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This increased risk persists into their mid-50s. In addition to gender and age, those who have lower incomes or have one or more comorbid health conditions find that a prior mental health diagnosis increases their risk of poor well-being as a result of sedentary behavior.


  • Peras M, Kola-Palmer S, De Azevedo LB. (2021). The impact of sitting time and physical activity on mental health during the COVID-19 lockdown. Sport Sci Health. doi: 10.1007/s11332-021-00791-2.
  • Park JH, Luna JH, Kim HJ, et al. (2020). Sedentary lifestyle: overview of updated evidence of potential health risks. Korean J Fam Med. doi:10.4082/kjfm.20.0165.
  • Hamer M, Coombs N, Stamatakis E (2014) Associations between objectively assessed and self-reported sedentary time with mental health in adults: an analysis of data from the Health Survey for England. Open BMJ. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004580.
  • Teychenne M, Costigan SA, Parker K. (2015) The association between sedentary behavior and anxiety risk: A systematic review. BMC Public Health.; doi:10.1186/s12889-015-1843-x.
  • Hamer M, Coombs N, Stamatakis E. (2014) Associations between objectively assessed and self-reported sedentary time with mental health in adults: an analysis of data from the Health Survey for England. Open BMJ. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004580.

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