The 4 Rules for a Big Back

If you can’t feel an exercise working in the desired area or you feel pain doing it, why do you keep using it? To build muscle, particularly in an area you’re not aware of, internal cues to help you focus on sensation will be important.

To think:

  • Bring your elbows behind you.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and focus here.

In an ideal world, a trainer would place a hand between the shoulder blades to feel the mid-back.

If your focus and intention are in the right place, but you still don’t feel it, the problem could be your exercise selection. Different exercises suit different people, and some will allow you to feel your back working harder than others.

If you don’t feel it, try playing with your grip. Try another angle. Try to slow down and concentrate on squeezing.

Inverted rows are often performed with an overhand grip, without a controlled rhythm, and without regard for creating tension throughout the body. Try switching to a supine grip. (Watch video). If you want to increase your range of motion, use a bar pad and try hitting it every time. You could even add a short pause at the top to make sure you get the most out of every rep.

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  लंग कैंसर के शुरुआती लक्षण क्या होते हैं। - GoMedii

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