Rose Day For Cancer Awareness: 6 Major Tell-Tale Sings of Tumor Growth in Children

Every year September 22 is celebrated as Rose Day. It is a day dedicated to all the brave heart battling a long battle with cancer.

Rose Day For Cancer Awareness: 6 Major Tell-Tale Sings of Tumor Growth in Children

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. There are several special days curated to spread awareness about certain health issues. Like Cancer Awareness Day, September 22 is celebrated as Rose Day for awareness of cancer patients. It is a day dedicated to individuals battling with this disease, The day commemorates the 12- year-old Canadian cancer patient Melinda Rose, who died in 1996 fighting cancer.

Melinda was diagnosed with one of the rarest blood cancers called Askin’s Tumour in 1994. Following the diagnosis, Melinda’s doctors predicted her condition to reserve her life till a couple of weeks only. However, the brave Melinda went on to live for 6 months after the prediction and spent her time, while bringing joy and cheers to all other cancer patients around her.

Therefore, it is a day to celebrate and show support to all the brave hearts out there. Speaking of childhood cancer, here are a few major telltale signs of the growth of cancer tumours that should not be ignored:


  1. Persistent Fever: A high fever that persists for over three days is a matter of concern. An unexplained fever that even goes longer than a week should be immediately checked by a doctor.
  2. Fatigue: This is one of the first signs that indicate there is something wrong with the body. Constant fatigue makes children lethargic and they might lose interest in most of their hobbies.
  3. Weakened Immunity: This lead to frequent infection like cold, cough and other illnesses.
  4. Vission Change: Children might notice a sudden appearance of white opacity when flash of a torchlight.
  5. Easy Bruising: Developing blood cancer leads to easy bruising. The body’s platelet count is affected and a child may get wounded very easily. IT may also lead to prolonged bleeding as well.
  6. Unusual lump or swelling: An unusual lump or swelling anywhere in the body. Eg: swellings in the neck, something hard felt in the tummy
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These are just few common signs that may appear in combination and should not be ignored. It is always better to consult a doctor when any of these few symptoms appear for prolonged time, over a week.

Published Date: September 22, 2023 12:16 PM IST




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