How Technology is Bridging the Doctor-Patient Communication Gap – ET HealthWorld

By Eternal Tripathi

No recent throes Covid-19 Epidemics have exposed the imperfections of our healthcare system. Overcrowded hospitals and healthcare systems have made it difficult for millions of patients to access healthcare. Crowds of non-covid-19 patients stayed away from hospitals to avoid the risk of infection. The global epidemic has also exacerbated the critical reality of patients in the country’s hinterland and rural areas. As a result, the communication gap between patients and doctors has widened. However, in this crisis the silver lining can be found in technological acceleration and ground breaking innovations reshaping the world. In these difficult times, Technology Has emerged as a cure for all healthcare institutions, from doctors to patients. Virtual consultation, electronic medical records (EMR), digital prescriptions, medical variables, among others, provide solutions to some of the most daunting healthcare challenges.

Virtual care
Virtual reality has become a ubiquitous part of our lives. Virtual counseling removed many barriers because the epidemic has prevented millions of patients from communicating with their doctors and care providers. From booking online appointments to virtually connecting with doctors, patients can communicate with their doctors from anywhere. When patients book appointments online and interact with doctors via video calls, they no longer have to wait in queues or visit a doctor. As a result, it saves patients time and money, but doctors can also attend more patients in less time. Patient flow reduction and virtual counseling also emphasize the healthcare system and help improve patient outcomes.

Mobile Mental Health Support

Technology has opened a new horizon in mental health support and data collection. The ubiquity of smartphones, tablets and the internet has enabled patients to access mental health treatments online through virtual therapy. The demand for mental health apps and platforms where patients can get help through video therapy sessions, text messaging, etc., has increased astronomically in recent years. Virtual therapy is very convenient for busy patients or those living in remote, rural areas and has limited access to healing and treatment. As a result, the stigma surrounding mental health is slowly diminishing and so is the cost of treatment. The web therapist does not have to invest in a brick-and-mortar clinic or incur paper costs, and these savings can be passed on to patients. Mobile mental health support provides round-the-clock access and privacy, allowing patients who previously hesitated to seek treatment can now get the help they need.

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Preventive healthcare models
Healthcare crises such as the coronavirus show that it is no longer appropriate to follow the “sick care” health model. To prove to our healthcare systems in the future from crises of such severity, it is only prudent that we transition from sick care to preventive care. With the help of technology, we can build platforms and systems that focus on prevention and health assurance. This will save months of work for clinics and hospitals, free up their tight schedules and make hospitals a safer place to treat critically ill people. The Preventive Healthcare model also enables us to minimize the negative side effects of an overcrowded healthcare system that responds to crises and crises.

Remote monitoring
Perhaps the best way to close the doctor-patient communication gap through technology is remote monitoring. It is not possible for patients to visit doctors frequently, especially in epidemics, but the need for patients to see doctors can be completely reduced with the help of remote monitoring. The choice of medical clothing that constantly monitors patients’ health provides doctors with regular insights into patient data. This data can be stored electronically and can be accessed by doctors at any time to monitor their patient’s health and identify any underlying health conditions. It also helps educate patients and make them aware of their daily health, thus encouraging them to take prudent steps towards their well-being. This not only reduces the doctor-patient communication gap but also improves patient outcomes and, ultimately, the healthcare system.

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Final thoughts
Technology in healthcare is transforming the doctor-patient relationship and enabling the sector to bridge huge gaps in communication, infrastructure and accessibility. With the introduction and practice of telemedicine, virtual care and remote monitoring, patients find themselves closer to doctors than ever before. While there is optimism about the technology, there is also skepticism that it could disrupt existing stakeholders and change them. Regulating and judicious use of technology can repair our broken healthcare system and save countless lives.

Bye-Eternal Tripathi, co-founder of Interview

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