Researchers To Study Mental Health In City | Hyderabad News – Times of India

Hyderabad: The city will soon be part of the National Mental Health Survey (NMHS)-2. The survey will be conducted by researchers from the University of Hyderabad. Faculty of Medical Sciences and Institute of Mental Health, Osmania Medical College.
The two institutions have been identified as nodal agencies for Hyderabad by the Union government. NMHS-2 is being rolled out in six mega cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru. The nodal coordinating organization is the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore.
“Mental health is still a taboo in our country. We still do not have enough evidence about the type of mental health problems that are more frequent in the urban population. This survey will not only identify mental health problems, but also help the government to address them with the necessary infrastructure,” said Prof. BS Shamanprincipal investigator of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the UoH.
The Center had last addressed the NMHS-1 in 2016 which reported a higher prevalence of mental health morbidity among the urban population. The population examined by NMHS-1 did not include megacities where a significant proportion of the urban population lives. NMHS-1 proposed the need to examine this population that has significant diversity in lifestyle, needs, and challenges, especially in the face of rapid urbanization and migration. NMHS-2 would focus on the complex lifestyle of megacities, its impact on well-being, and the mental health services available to residents.

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