Alzheimer’s Disease: How Disrupted Sleep Can Increase Risk of Memory Loss And Behavioral Change?

People with dementias like Alzheimer’s disease frequently experience changes in their sleep habits. They can have frequent night time awakenings and have trouble falling back asleep.

Alzheimer’s Disease: How Disrupted Sleep Can Increase Risk of Memory Loss And Behavioral Change?

Alzheimer’s Disease: Did you know that losing even a night’s sleep can make you susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease? According to a recent research published in the journal Neurology, your brain contains a protein called tau, which is responsible for stabilizing the internal structure of nerve cells present in the brain. Its increased level can raise your risk of developing the condition. An interruption in sound sleep for even a single night has been found to aggravate the level of this protein.

How Disrupted Sleep Can Allievate Alzheimer’s Risk?

Memory loss, repeated words, trouble concentrating, thinking, and making decisions, personality changes, social disengagement, delusions, mood swings, etc. are all signs of Alzheimer’s disease. According to WHO, around 10 million individuals are impacted globally each year. Due to the disease’s prevalence, it is crucial to talk about it in order to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s and enable quick detection.

The brain’s cells deteriorate and finally pass away in Alzheimer’s disease. One of the most typical types of dementia, it may impair your capacity to operate and lead a normal life. Even performing regular duties becomes challenging as the illness worsens. Sadly, there is no treatment for Alzheimer’s. You may be more likely to develop this illness if you have a history of head trauma, are older, have a family history of the disorder, have down syndrome, are female, have minor cognitive impairment, or have a bad sleep pattern.

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How to Manage Your Sleep at Night?

  1. Indulge in Daily Exercise: Working out on a daily basis can lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s by increasing oxygen and blood flow to the brain cells. According to the Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation, hitting a gym regularly can decrease your risk by 50 per cent and can also slow down cognitive problems if you are already facing them. Ideally, you should do a combination of cardio exercise and strength training to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, you can go for a walk every day.
  2. Healthy Diet: Factors like insulin resistance and inflammation are known to damage neurons and negatively impact the communication between brain cells. Therefore, you need to be cautious about the food you eat. According to researchers in the field, cutting down on sugar and refined carbs can help you keep Alzheimer’s at bay. Notably, a sudden spike in your blood sugar level can cause inflammation in your brain. Additionally, following a Mediterranean diet has already been associated with a low risk of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. You can also opt for food rich in omega-3 fatty acids as they are helpful in this regard.
  3. Try Mental Stimulation Techniques: It is important to keep your brain working. For that, you must keep on learning new things throughout your life. This means if you stop using it, you will eventually lose it. You can go for learning a new language or a musical instrument. Also, raising the existing bar, and taking mental challenges can help.

Changes in sleep habits are common in patients with Alzheimer’s. Scientists are still trying to figure out why this occurs. Changes in sleep are caused by Alzheimer’s disease’s effects on the brain, just as changes in memory and behavior.

  Alzheimer's Disease: 5 Natural Ways to Improve Your Brain Health And Fight Dementia

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Published Date: October 18, 2023 8:22 AM IST

Updated Date: October 18, 2023 8:22 PM IST




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