World Polio Day 2023: 5 Major Signs And Symptoms to Detect The Viral Disease In Kids

World Polio Day 2023: Polio, also known as poliomyelitis, is a potentially life-threatening illness that spreads rapidly among people who aren’t vaccinated

World Polio Day 2023: 5 Major Signs And Symptoms to Detect The Viral Disease In Kids

World Polio Day 2023: Polio is a highly infectious illness brought on by a virus. The majority of polio-infected youngsters do not exhibit any symptoms. Some individuals only exhibit minor symptoms. Most commonly, the virus paralyzes people by targeting their neural systems. However, only a small percentage of polio survivors get paralysis. Did you know that India launched the Pulse Polio Immunization Program at a time when the nation was home to almost 60% of all polio cases worldwide? The final polio case was recorded in Howrah, West Bengal, on January 13, 2011, and India earned ‘Polio-free certification’ from the World Health Organization on March 27, 2014, eradicating the disease within two decades.

What Causes Polio, The Contagious Disease?

The World Health Organization claims that person-to-person contact is how the virus spreads. The virus spreads mostly by the faecal-oral pathway, contaminated water, or tainted food, after which it multiplies in the gut. Polio frequently spreads via contact with contaminated waste. This frequently occurs when kids wash their hands improperly or not at all. Additionally, consuming or consuming water or food contaminated with the virus might cause it. When an infected youngster coughs or sneezes contaminated droplets into the air, it can spread. Additionally, the virus can remain for several weeks in a child’s faeces.

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5 Signs And Symptoms of Polio in Kids

  1. Fever: Fever in children might be brought on by a change in the weather or it can be an indication of polio. High fevers in kids with polio are frequently one of the first signs to appear.
  2. Stiffness: We develop neck and back aches by spending too much time in front of a computer. Children who have polio may have muscular stiffness or discomfort, especially in the neck and back.
  3. Fatigue: In general, kids are vibrant and vivacious. They like playing activities outside while running about. However, you should use caution if they seem generally lethargic and quickly exhausted.
  4. Paralysis: Muscle weakness is polio in children’s telltale symptoms. It can cause paralysis in extreme cases, mainly affecting the legs.
  5. Others: Headache, nausea, sore throat, muscular spasms, and sensitivity to touch are some more symptoms.

You must make sure your child receives all required vaccinations on time as a parent. The polio vaccination is one of the most crucial tools in the battle against poliomyelitis or polio. There is no particular drug that can be used to treat polio. Physical treatment is provided if you have paralytic polio. You will require mechanical ventilation, or breathing assistance from a machine if your breathing muscles are weak or paralyzed.

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Published Date: October 24, 2023 9:00 AM IST




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