A 120-Rep Dumbbell Challenge That Will Jack Up Your Fitness

Dark mornings, cloudy nights, and hard work leading up to the annual Christmas break can seriously affect your ability or desire to exercise. We understand and we are with you. John Chapman and Leon Bustin, the real talkers of The Lean Machines and MH Elite, also know exactly how you feel, so they have scheduled a simple session that requires little more than a pair of dumbbells and some effort.

You’re going to be doing three moves, a step-over, a snatch, and some burpees. As we have established before in the MH Squad members section, there are always burpees. You’ll just have to get used to them.

You’re going to do four reps of each move for a total of ten rounds, with as little rest as possible. In fact, the goal is to keep moving constantly, rather than staring at the dumbbells on the floor for minutes at a time.

Read their tips for excelling or scaling the session, then watch John and Leon go over the flow of a round below.


You have to choose a correct bench or box height. Most benches will be knee high, which is great, but if you wanted more of a challenge, you could use a taller box. Just remember that what feels good in the early rounds will become difficult in the later rounds.


The weight selection is forever Selective person. It’s all about using a weight that challenges you without compromising the quality of your movements. If it can’t go up without big swings or run up, then it’s probably too heavy. Two 15kg should be a challenge for most of us.

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Pace plays a huge role here and ideally we want to go at a speed that means we can keep moving without going out for a lap in the gym. Both the height of the box and the choice of weight play a role in this, obviously.


It’s up to you whether you want to turn around on the bench, or walk facing forward and then turn around on dry land. It’s better to pick one option and stick with it, rather than cut back and switch from one round to another.


If you want to adjust this workout to avoid too much impact, you can do 8 DB lunges instead of 4 DB steps. If the double DB snatch is a concern for your lower back, then do 4 overhead push presses. Finally, you can take the jumps out of burpees. Good luck.


Ten rounds of:

1) Dumbbell step x4

2) Dumbbell double snatch x4

3) burpees x4

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