A Cardiologist Explains How Yoga Can Benefit Heart Health

WWhen you think of heart-healthy workouts, intense cardio sessions probably come to mind. (Burpees! Sprints! Jump squats!) While it’s true that doing a nice, long term or sweating during a HIIT class has remarkable benefits for your heart, there are also gentler ways to take care of your body’s most important organ. In fact, Dr Kapil Parakha board-certified cardiologist and Fitbit lead physician, says rolling out your yoga mat and breathing pose after pose has many heart-healthy benefits.

First things first, Dr. Parakh wants to remind you that everything exercise is good for the heart. Period, end of story. That said, yoga has its own list of benefits to boast about. The physical aspect of yoga, called “asana”, it has been shown that low blood pressure, improve cholesterolY even lower blood sugar in diabetics. Yogic breathing practices, or “pranayama”, have also been shown to improve heart health by regulating the autonomic nervous system, which helps the heart function properly. “There is also an interesting mind-body connection“, adds Dr. Parakh. “Andoga can help reduce stress, which if left unchecked, can have negative health effects, including increased risk of cardiovascular disease“, he explains. Yes, that means that your yoga practice basically protects your heart in many ways.

“Yoga can help reduce stress, which if left unchecked, can have negative health effects, including increased risk of cardiovascular disease.” —Kapil Parakh, MD

Of course, Dr. Parakh recommends mixing up your workouts to get the maximum heart-healthy rewards from exercise. “Science is showing more and more that any type of physical activity has [heart] health benefits. It doesn’t have to be a strenuous activity to reap cardiovascular benefits. walk briskly it’s one of the most accessible forms of exercise and I often recommend it to my patients,” he says. “If you like going to the gym, there’s a wide range of options. You can use a treadmill, join a spin class, try rowing, or use a stair climber. If you have a craving for nature, go for a run, a walk, or a bike ride.” He adds that strength training is also key for your cardiovascular health, so add some bodyweight or weight training to your rotation if your schedule allows.

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Another important thing to note: “As a general rule of thumb, the American Heart Association and the World Health Organization recommend reducing the time you spend sedentary and instead encourage you to aim for 75 to 150 minutes of moderate physical activity.” to vigorous per week,” he says, noting that many wearable devices, including the FitBit, help him navigate his optimal heart rate zones with ease so you can make the most of your movement.

Finally, remember that your heart health is intertwined with things other than your step count (like, say, what you eat and how much you sleep). So as you take steps to take better care of your heart, keep in mind that small, holistic changes can add up. For now though, get on your mat and know that a few cat-cows are enough.

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