A CrossFit Games Athlete Shared His Best Workout Advice for Men Over 40

STARTING YOUR fitness trip starting from scratch can be intimidating at any age. But when you’re in your 40s, the task can seem almost impossible. But make no mistake: it is not.

In a recent YouTube video, CrossFit athlete and two-time CrossFit Games champion jason grub broke down five steps, he says, combined with nutrition, can help men over 40 start their fitness journey from scratch. Grubbs knows the way firsthand: he began his fitness journey at age 38 and became a competitive athlete in just a couple of years.

Though he eventually found greater success in CrossFit, Grubbs, now 46, says he would have done things differently in hindsight when he first approached his fitness journey to become a “healthier human being, fit and injury-proof”.

To kick things off, Grubbs first talks about the importance of developing a habit when it comes to going to the gym, a universal piece of advice that every fitness aficionado seems to have in common. Grubbs also talks about the importance of conditioning—such as walking or biking— as a starting point, advising then to add bodyweight movements after establishing a habit and conditioning baseline.

“There’s a long list of bodyweight exercises and movements you can do to help establish your ability to have a full range of motion in your body without adding external weights yet,” he says. “The whole goal is to get really good with bodyweight before moving on to external weights.”

After mastering bodyweight movements, Grubbs advises adding those weights to increase the challenge and overall benefit of the exercises learned.

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“This progression will make us much less injury-prone and much more bulletproof,” he says. “We want to do this for the long term.”

After building that foundation, Grubbs says the next step is simple: Enjoy the sport while improving your overall health at the same time.

Grubbs says, “All of this combined, you can almost think of it as a pyramid with a base that you end up building on, when built correctly, you can end up being an amazing athlete.”

Check out the full video below:

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