A diet rich in carotenoids may boost women’s health

  • The researchers reviewed studies investigating the effects of carotenoids on women’s health outcomes.
  • They found that a higher intake of carotenoids may reduce the risk of developing multiple health conditions.
  • They concluded that given the high probability of helping and the low probability of harm, targeted approaches to carotenoid intake in women might be beneficial.

Although women tend to live longer than men, they also have more health problems.

Also, while women tend to have more robust immune systems that men also represent 80% of autoimmune conditions.

Many neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease Y Macular degeneration associated with ageThey are more common in women than in men.

Some research suggests that these differences may arise from different levels of exposure to oxidative stress from both lifestyle factors and internal factors such as endocrine differences.

If this is the case, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory elements in the diet may be a benign way to reduce oxidative and inflammatory stress and thus improve health.

Researchers recently reviewed studies investigating the effect of diet on autoimmune conditions in women.

They found that intake of pigmented carotenoids may be important in preventing visual and cognitive loss.

The review was published in Nutritional Neuroscience.

“This review builds on decades of previous work showing conclusively that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, many of which contain carotenoids, responsible for some of the vivid colors of fruits and vegetables, is associated with healthy aging. and longevity, and lower risk. of chronic diseases,” he said. Amy Keller Ph.D.assistant professor in the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes at the University of Colorado Denver, who was not involved in the review.

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“The reasons why this is so are probably multifactorial, but possible reasons why carotenoids are beneficial are due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity,” he added.

In the review, the researchers noted that low bone mineral density can be detected in women in their 30s and 30s. accelerate after menopause.

Studies have shown that some carotenoids can slow bone loss.

These include lycopene, which is found in Tomatoesas much as beta carotene and lutein (L), and zeaxanthin (Z) found in green leafy vegetables and eggs.

The researchers also noted that higher levels of L and Z are associated with lower incidence and prevalence of waterfalls Y age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Previous research suggests that carotenoids inhibit beta-amyloid deposition in the brain and slow fibril formation, both of which are associated with dementia.

They further noted that L and Z increase cell efficiency and improve cognitive function in kids, young adults, older adultsand those with cognitive impairment.

Other research shows that L and Z are crucial for child development. One study found that women in the highest quartile of L and Z intake had children with a 38% less risk of poor vision when evaluated three years later.

The researchers added that other studies show that high levels of serum carotenoids have also been linked to a reduced risk of:

When asked about how pigmented carotenoids like L and Z can improve health, Professor Billy Hammond of the University of Georgia School of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, one of the study’s authors, said Today’s medical news:

“The old adage that you are what you eat is literally true. What you eat influences the makeup of your brain and the chemicals called neurotransmitters and hormones that are involved in its function.”

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He explained that the brain is made up of about 60% fat, which makes it especially vulnerable to oxidative stress. To counteract any potential damage, our brains typically take in lipid-soluble antioxidants from foods like eggs and green leafy vegetables to protect the brain. Problems arise as modern diets tend to contain less of these antioxidants than necessary.

While carotenoids consumed from food may improve health outcomes, research suggests that supplemental versions of these nutrients may not produce the same effect. This is because individual nutrients may not affect the body in the Same way such as when consumed as part of a fruit or vegetable.

Bearing this in mind, Wendy L. Bennett, MD., Associate Professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, who was not involved in the study, said MNT:

“Take vitamin E or beta-carotene supplements I will not do it prevent or delay the onset of AMD. The same probably applies to vitamin C and multivitamin (Centrum Silver), [as found in a clinical trial].”

“There is no evidence on other antioxidant supplements, such as lutein and zeaxanthin. Vitamin supplements can have harmful effects, and clear evidence of benefit is needed before they can be recommended,” he added.

The researchers concluded that given the high probability of helping and the low probability of harm, targeted approaches to L and Z intake in women might be beneficial.

When asked about the limitations of the study, Dr. Keller noted that future work should elucidate the mechanisms underlying the clinical outcomes mentioned in this review.

Dr. Hammond added that it’s very difficult to link a single source like vitamin E to a complex endpoint that develops throughout life. He added:

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“Most degenerative diseases, like dementia, are as complex as aging itself, involving many exposures that only matter a little at one point, but a lot when added up over 50 years. Imagine, for example, that a given dietary component lowers your risk by one percent per year. [It may seem small, however] however, one percent per year for 70 years means a reduction in risk of about 30%, which is huge.”

However, Dr. Bennett noted that the investigators did not conduct original research, which means that their synthesis and summary of the evidence may be subject to bias.

When asked what other nutrients might have a protective effect on women’s health, Dr. Keller said:

“In addition to carotenoids, flavonoids are also responsible for the color of fruits and vegetables. Our team studies the potential of a flavonoid, (-)-epicatechin, which is found in commonly consumed foods such as chocolate and tea. This compound improves vessel health in our studies. As women lose protection against cardiovascular risk after menopause, supporting their vascular health through nutrients with specific bioactivity may support the health of aging women.”

Dr. Hammond added that general lifestyle factors, such as getting more exercise and eating a healthy diet, are also key to improving health. He said: “It is common to think of single drug components similar to diet or ‘a pill for every disease’. While supplementation is sometimes a good strategy, optimizing your diet is your best first approach.”

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