A Fitness Model Tried Chris Hemsworth’s ‘Thor’ Diet for a Day

Chris Hemsworthwho is already one of the most busted guys in show business, has packed on an extra 30lbs to be bloateder than ever for the next Thor: Love and Thunder. In a new YouTube video, bodybuilder Aseel Soueid spend the day following diet plan that Hemsworth ate to back up those gains. That means eating more than 4,000 calories and more than 300 grams of protein.

Breakfast is a salted caramel protein shake made with banana, oatmeal, collard greens, collard greens, and spinach. “If you’re struggling to gain weight, this is pretty good,” says Soueid. “Lots of carbs, lots of protein, low fat… I would never drink this, it would literally be fat thor.”

The second meal of the day, which counts as the pre-workout meal, is more of a sibling staple: chicken, rice, and vegetables. This recipe calls for chicken thighs instead of breast, which increases the fat ratio and makes for a decent volume meal.

After running back-to-back training sessions inspired by the content Hemsworth has been posting on his own Instagram, Soueid returns home for the post-workout meal: lamb chops with sweet potatoes. Soon after, it’s time for the fourth meal, grilled salmon with mushrooms and broccoli.

The fifth meal is a repeat: more chicken legs, wild rice, and vegetables. because brother “Meals just don’t end,” he groans.

The sixth and last meal of the day consists of dark chocolate, peanut butter, and medjool dates (a go treat in the Hemsworth diet plan). “Shit, it tastes so good,” says Soueid. “Chris Hemsworth, you are a genius!”

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