A Fitness Model Tried Eating Like Two of the World’s Strongest Men

YouTuber and bodybuilder Aseel Soueid has tested the diet and exercise of some of the fittest people in the world, from star athletes a kidnapped movie stars. Inspired by a video where the Brian Shaw and Eddie Hall, former World’s Strongest Man award winners, shared their daily diets with men’s healthSoueid decided that for his next challenge, he will spend the day eating like a strong man in preparation for a competition.

Start with Shaw’s Giant Breakfast, which consists of eight whole eggs, three cups of rice, and a glass of spinach mixed with orange juice. “It’s not bad, but it’s not good either,” he says of the juice concoction.

For lunch, Soueid switches to Hall’s pre-workout menu and makes a 16-ounce ribeye steak with 200 grams of vegetables and 300 grams of pasta. “He eats ribeye steak because it’s very fatty and obviously it’s easier to get the calories, the fatter the better,” he says. “Which is the exact opposite of what we normal people try to look for in food… If you’re combining high fat and high carb, you’re really screwed when it comes to being more lethargic. really high fats before the gym gets me super slow.”

Hall would also eat half of a family-size cheesecake, but since Soueid has celiac disease and type 1 diabetes, she improvises a substitute for dessert, opting for gluten-free vanilla cupcakes.

After a strength-training session, Soueid’s post-workout meal looks much the same: more steak (half a pound, to be specific), pasta, Y Hall’s daily diet rice. Once again, Hall would eat the other half of the cheesecake after this, but Soeuid forces himself to eat another cupcake instead. Then the last meal of the day, right before bed, is a protein shake and three protein bars.

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“It’s ridiculous, I don’t think they can eat like this every day,” he says. “But I respect their dedication and the passion they have for their sport.”

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