A Physique Coach Shared the 5 Simple Things All Shredded Guys Do

In a recent video on his YouTube channel, Pro Physique’s paul revealed broke down what he believes are the five habits of people who have been able to get lean and shredded, and just as importantly, stay that way.

focus on protein

In addition to being one of the building blocks of muscle, protein is also the most filling macronutrient, meaning a high-protein diet will help keep you satiated while eating in a caloric deficit during weight loss.

“Set your target weight, whatever that target weight is, if you’re hitting protein plus or minus 10 percent of that weight, that’s fine,” says Revelia.

Don’t go on a “diet”

“If you’re really going to be ripped and shredded, you’re not going to be on a diet. It’s not going to have a fancy name. It’s going to be something specific to you, including the foods you enjoy. It’s going to be a philosophy, not a diet. … You can’t identify my diet with a name, because I eat a wide variety of foods, but they fit my goals.”

Be responsible

This may mean tracking your calorie or macronutrient intake each day to make sure you stay on track. “Don’t be overwhelmed,” says Revelia. “It’s not a judgment about your diet. What we’re going to learn is where you average your calories to maintain your weight.”

Avoid drinking your calories

“Drinking your calories means they’re going to be digested very quickly and you won’t get much satiety,” he explains, “compared to when you get the volume and satisfaction of eating food and drinking zero.” caloric drink like water with it”.

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consistency is king

If you’ve followed the first four rules, you’ll be in a good place to be consistent, disciplined, and structured in your new routine. “It’s about creating patterns,” says Revelia.

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