A Short Leash Between Pets and Mental Health: 10 Benefits

Pets can have a huge impact on our mental well-being. These are just some of the ways they help us feel happier and healthier.

Pets are more than just cute and cuddly creatures that we enjoy spending time with. After all, there’s a reason pet owners often describe their cat or dog as part of their family: They make us feel better when they’re around, both physically and emotionally.

“Historically, the therapeutic benefits of animals have been documented perhaps earlier than most realize,” he explains. Dr. Larena Davis, counselor and clinical director of The Recovery Village Cherry Hill in Cooper. “The ancient Greeks discovered that horses seemed to lift the spirits of those who were very ill.”

“Another significant use documented in history,” he continues, “was in medieval Belgium when humans and animals were rehabilitated together, proving that companionship has a positive effect.”

Even early anthropological research has found domesticated cats themselves starting in South Asia and befriended humans for a mutually beneficial relationship.

Today, scientific research continues to document these kinds of positive effects. These are just some of those that have been shown:

“Pets can increase our dopamine, serotoninand oxytocin levels,” says Davis, and these hormones, he says, make us feel good or happy.

oxytocinfor example, it is often called the “love” hormone because it promotes bond development with others, including our babies. Y researchers have found that when dogs and people look at each other or interact with each other, they both experience a surge of oxytocin.

Pets are our companions: they can make us feel loved and accepted, no matter what.

“No matter where you are in life, pets are excited to love you and be loved in return,” explains Davis. “They don’t care how much money you have, where you live or what you do. They just love you.”

“Love and the need to be loved is a basic and primal human instinct,” he continues. “Pets provide endless amounts of love that combat feelings of stress, lonelinesssadness and others negative emotions.”

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People can talk, touch and snuggle with their pets.

This is one of the reasons why so many people pets adopted during the pandemic blockades, and according to a study 2021 from Malaysia, pets seemed to improve mental health and well-being during those periods of isolation.

Evidence-based guidance, up-to-date resources, and first-hand accounts to help you on your mental health journey.

Decades of research have found a correlation between lower blood pressure and pet ownership.

For example, an older 1988 studyfound that petting dogs could help lower people’s heart rate and blood pressure, while a 1992 Australian study found lower blood pressures in pet owners than those without pets, even if they had similar BMIs and socioeconomic profiles.

A 2002 study of married couples and a 2007 study of older adults also found lower levels of high blood pressure.

Other investigations has found that pet owners have lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol and that heart attack patients live longer if they have a furry friend at home.

that’s why he American Heart Association states that having pets, especially a dog, could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Pets can help people worry less, which has a beneficial effect on stress and anxiety levels. In addition, “interacting with animals can decrease levels of [the stress hormone] cortisol,” says Davis.

A 2015 study found that growing up with a pet dog was associated with lower levels of childhood anxiety.

and a study 2018 found that therapy dogs helped stressed college students.

Certain pets, like dogs, need time outside, so if you have a dog, he’s more likely to get outside and get some fresh air.

This can be especially beneficial for people living with some mental health conditions.

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“For some people,” he explains Dr. Melissa Geraghtypsychologist from the Chicago metropolitan area, “having a pet can make the difference between staying isolated at home and going out with your pet.”

Certain pets, like dogs, require regular exercise, which means you might as well get more exercise as a result.

“Dog owners walk an average of 22 minutes more per day than non-dog owners,” he says. Tasha Holland-Kornegaya mental health counselor licensed in North Carolina, Texas, Florida, Mississippi, and Georgia.

she emphasizes that exercise itself can be very beneficial for mental health.

It has been shown that even a short walk around the block reduce anxiety, depression and negative mood.

dogs and horses They have been found to help reduce feelings of depression, which is why many therapists and psychiatrists sometimes use them as part of therapy.

dogs, particularly service dogs — are often prescribed for veterans with PTSD due to research who found them to be a very beneficial part of recovery.

A study 2018 found that service dogs can help alleviate PTSD symptoms in veterans by reducing their depression, improving their resilience, reducing loneliness, and improving their overall psychological well-being.

A 2013 study found similar benefits, with dogs reducing feelings of loneliness, worry and irritability.

Service dogs can also help people drive psychiatric or medical conditions by performing specific tasks.

For example, “people with service dogs know that their dog will alert them to seizures,” says Geraghty. “This takes a huge level of stress off a person, as she can feel more confident that her canine friend is looking out for her.”

for example, a 2016 study of 263 American adults found that pet owners were more satisfied with their lives than those without pets.

Pets of all kinds can help provide people with companionship, comfort, and a sense of routine. But you may still have some questions related to your mental health:

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Is there an animal better than another to improve my mental health?

Most of the research has focused on the mental health benefits of horses and dogs.

for example, a 2016 study found that dog owners had the highest overall feelings of well-being, compared to cat owners and non-pet owners. This could be for many reasons, says Davis.

Yes, cats may be more autonomous, while dogs are generally pleasers and pack animals, but the greater sense of reward may be due to their requiring more responsibility. Davis notes that he can feel a bigger boost in his self-esteem because he’s taking care of them and getting out more.

However, for some people who the added responsibility might be too muchespecially if you have physical limitations that delay or impede your ability to provide the dogs with the care and exercise they need.

In that case, a low-maintenance pet like a cat might be better.

Does it matter if I have a standard pet, emotional support animal, or psychiatric service animal?

Service animals and emotional support animals often have specialized training to meet the specific needs of individuals.

However, at the end of the day, the biggest boost to your mental health comes from bonding with your pet, so a “normal” pet can be just as beneficial.

Ultimately, “whatever animal a person feels connected to is the best animal for them,” says Geraghty. “For some people they are dogs, cats, birds, but for others they are horses or lizards.”

Now that you know the many physiological and psychological benefits of bonding with a pet, you may be inspired to spend more time practicing mindfulness with your loved ones or finding a pet that suits you, calms you, and rejuvenates you.

This article was originally published on PsychCentral.com. To see the original, click here.


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