A Simple Exercise to Help You Calm Down

The 5-4-3-2-1 exercise is a quick way to dispel anxiety. It’s just a concentration exercise. By using it, you focus on non-threatening things around you. Doing so pushes anxiety-producing thoughts aside.

Better than counting sheep

The exercise was originally a technique to help a person fall asleep. I redesigned it and called it Exercise 5-4-3-2-1 to provide clients who experience Fear to fly a way to break the vicious cycle in which an anxiety-producing thought triggers the release of stress hormones which keeps the person focused on thought-anxiety, which of course releases more stress hormones, etc.

Can you stop a panic attack?

The 5-4-3-2-1 can stop a panic attack if used early. This means that a person must feel when he is heading towards panic. Not everyone can do that. If 5-4-3-2-1 is used too late, panic can ensue. So, in a state of being overwhelmed, any effort to try to stop the panic increases the overwhelm. Used early enough, it stops the panic. Used late, worsens panic.

Let go?

Years ago, Australian Claire Weekes pointed out that once a panic attack has started, the best way to get out of the attack is to ride on. She advised panic sufferers to let the panic run its course without resistance. Resistance, because it increases the burden, makes the attack last longer. Going with the flow, if the flow is a panic attack, that’s easier said than done.

The best way to stop panic.

I’ll show you how to do the 5-4-3-2-1, but don’t stop there. If panic strikes without warning, 5-4-3-2-1 won’t stop it. A newer exercise, the Strengthening Exercises, can. Instead of hoping the panic won’t happen, train your mind to prevent the panic from happening. This more advanced exercise is taught in my book, panic free.

How to do the 5-4-3-2-1.

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Sit or recline comfortably. Focus on some object in front of you. Keep your attention on it throughout the exercise. If your eyes wander, just bring them back. Do the exercise out loud first. Then try it quietly. See if one works better for you than the other.

  • Say “I see” and name something in your peripheral vision, such as “I see a chair.” Then say “I see” and name something else in your peripheral vision. Continue until you have made five statements of seeing.
  • Say “I hear” and name something you hear, such as “I hear a car outside.” Then he says “I hear” and name another thing you hear. Continue until he has made five audience statements. (If there aren’t five different things you can hear, repeat something you’ve already mentioned.)
  • Say “I feel” and name something you feel physically, not emotionally, such as “I feel my arm on my leg.” She continues until she has made five feeling statements.

That completes the first cycle. Intense concentration is needed. That is exactly what is needed. Just focus on non-threatening things, and as the stress goes away without being replaced, you become more relaxed.

What about the second cycle? If you always did five affirmations, you could do the exercise without intense concentration. Your mind may return to disturbing thoughts. To keep your focus intense, instead of making five statements, make four statements. Then, on the third cycle, make three affirmations. Then, on the fourth cycle, make two affirmations. Then in the last loop make a statement.

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It’s okay to name the same things. Same or different is fine. Just say what comes to mind. If you lose count, that’s good because it means you’re relaxing.

Please don’t do this when driving, or as they say, when operating heavy machinery!

When you are as relaxed as you want to be, just stop. If you want to be more relaxed or fall asleep, repeat the exercise starting with five affirmations.

Here is a video that teaches the 5-4-3-2-1.

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