A Strength Coach Ranked Glutes Exercises From Worst to Best

Following recent videos where he ranked the best and worst exercises to build strength and muscle in his back Y bicepsAthlean-X founder and trainer Jeff Cavaliere CSCS lists glute exercises and judges them by how much you can add progressive overload and achieve muscle hypertrophy to grow a juicier booty, without the risk of pain or injury.

The worst

heel press

“It’s very incapable of the overload we’re looking for to build muscle,” says Cavaliere. “You’re doing mostly a bodyweight movement here, and it’s also very limited in its range of motion.”

stepped mill

Most of the time, these machines are powered, meaning that as you lower, your leg is brought back to full extension by the moving step, not by your own muscles. The only muscles really worked here are the hip flexors, No buttocks

leg press

While this is a popular alternative to the squat among those with knee problems, but as a glute builder, Cavaliere thinks it’s a “horrible exercise.” This is because, once again, there is a lot of hip flexion rather than gluteal engagement.


Dumbbell Reverse Sprinter Lunge

This movement may involve a chest-to-thigh position similar to the leg press, but the alternating leg movements relieve some of the back tilt of the other exercise, making it safer.

sleeve kickback

This introduces a missing element of resistance to heel pressure, making progressive overload possible. “Standing proprioceptively allows you to move your leg back more easily in a straighter line,” says Cavaliere. “So while it’s still a small range of motion, it’s one that you can perform more effectively.”

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Romanian deadlift (single leg with dumbbells)

Cavaliere likes this move for its versatility, because you can focus more on the glutes by slightly bending the knee, or on the hamstrings by keeping the leg straighter; however, he recognizes that balance can be an issue here, which is why he doesn’t do it. t place higher on the list.

Even better

Romanian deadlift (single leg)

“It gives us all the benefits we just talked about, with more stability,” says Cavaliere. “The cable gives us more control in the frontal plane… It takes an exercise that was supposed to be driving glute and hamstring gains and actually allows you to do it without undermining your balance.”

Seated Hamstring Curl

Unlike the prone version of this movement, the seated variation allows you to strengthen your hamstrings through isolated knee flexion and overload, without your knees moving into hip flexion, which can lead to spasm. in the back.

pass through bands

“This exercise gives you more range of motion and more resistance through hip extension,” says Cavaliere. “Once again, the bands will give you the opportunity to progressively overload to a higher resistance band, allowing you to continue to progress through the exercise as needed.”

swing with kettlebell

“This is one of the best ways to train your glutes and do it explosively,” he says. “But it also automatically ensures that you learn to twist correctly. And the hinge is the foundation of gluteal activation.”

almost better

Get ahead

This cable movement improves the kettlebell swing by allowing you to load the exercise with more weight. “This reinforces all the good things about the swing through hip hinge overload,” says Cavaliere.

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Bend Forward Dumbbell Step Up

In addition to being able to load this exercise, you can also maximize your glute engagement by leaning your torso slightly forward at the beginning of the movement. “What he does is preload the glutes,” explains Cavaliere.

Gluteal Raise/Flat Floor Bridge Curl

Both exercises involve a coordinated effort between the hamstrings and glutes, and the floor bridge curl provides a no-equipment bodyweight alternative if you don’t have access to the right machine.

barbell romanian deadlift

If you’re sure you don’t have any underlying imbalances, then this classic version of the RDL will give you the best chance to overload the exercise and develop your glutes, with the benefit of increased stability as both feet are firmly planted. the land.

Low bar squat

No list of lower body exercises would be complete without the squat, and Cavaliere starts with this low bar variation. “Just bring the bar lower on those lower rear delts, you’ll have to lean your torso forward at an angle,” he says. “What this does is it recruits those posterior chain muscles more effectively and brings them into the bottom of the squat.”


barbell hip thrust

“This exercise just checks all the boxes when it comes to glute development,” says Cavaliere. “You can progressively overload it very easily, you can do it safely, and it will give you the muscle hypertrophy you’re looking for.”

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