Aak flower can reduce toothache from wrinkles, use this way

Aak Flower Benefits: You must have seen the Aak plant planted in the bushes many times, but unaware of its use, you must have ignored it. Many people worship Shiva with the flowers of Aak, but do you know that this flower can be effective in removing many problems of the body. Yes, the flower of Aak is used to remove the blemishes of the skin as well as to reduce the problems of headache. Let us know what are the benefits of Aak flowers to the body?

Health benefits of Aak flowers

The problem of wrinkles will be less

You can use Aak flowers to remove the problems of wrinkles. For this, take 3 grams powder of Aak flowers. Now mix some turmeric, rose water and milk in it. After that apply this paste on the face. With this, the problem of wrinkles can be removed. Also, you can get rid of blemishes as well.

Headache and earache relief

Use Aak flowers to get rid of earache and headache. Along with this, it can also remove the pain caused by migraine. For this, extract the juice of Aak flowers and apply it on the head.

remove eye problem

Aak flowers can be used to remove eye problems. For this, dry the flowers of Aak. Now mix some rose water in it and apply it around the eyes. It can relieve itching, pain and heaviness of the eyes.

relief from toothache

Aak flowers can be used to reduce the pain of molars. For this, take out the milk of the Aak. Mix a little ghee in it and apply it on the molar with the help of cotton. This will reduce the pain of the molar. Along with this, toothache can also be relieved.

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