Aaloo Ke Side Effect: Too much potato can harm your health, know how

Side effect of Aaloo: If you like potatoes a lot in food, then this news is for you. Actually, consuming more potatoes than our body can also harm it. Yes, we understand that there are many people who do not understand any vegetable, so they prefer potatoes first. But it is said that anything in excess is bad. So let us tell you how it is harmful and in what quantity is it harmful for you.

You can get allergic by eating more potatoes.
Actually, carbohydrates are found in potatoes, which can work to increase the pain of arthritis.
In such a situation, patients of arthritis should either reduce or not consume potatoes.
It is also fatal for diabetic patients. Actually, its consumption can increase the problems of diabetic patients even more. Its consumption can increase the amount of blood sugar. Therefore it is better to consume it at least.
Excessive use of potatoes can increase blood pressure, so reduce its use in food.
Not only this, potato also increases your obesity. Often you must have noticed that gym trainers or dieticians restrict the use of potatoes while losing weight. Actually, potatoes contain carbohydrates, which increase weight.

Disclaimer: Take the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as a suggestion, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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