Abandoned mental health centre where secure rooms lie untouched

Mattresses on the floor and safe rooms left untouched in an abandoned mental health facility have been seen for the first time.

The Hesketh Center on Albert Road, south port it closed its doors for the last time in 2020.

The closure was caused by the new £20m at Hartley Hospital opening on Scarisbrick New Road, just a few minutes’ drive from the Hesketh Center.

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The building has since been left empty and an explorer went to take a look at the abandoned building.

Abandoned UK, a Facebook and YouTube page that goes to empty buildings, posted a video of the center on its page.

A room in the Hesketh Centre, Southport, which closed in 2020
(Image: Abandoned UK)

During the video, the group explores the building in depth, recording almost every aspect of the building.

They show the safe rooms, which have not been touched since it was closed, as well as the rooms in which patients would stay.

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The man recording the video also points out the number of items left behind, including beds, monitors and chairs in the building.

The structure of the building was also highlighted, with traditional moldings throughout the building showing the history of the health center, and it is believed to have first opened in 1903.

An old hall in the Hesketh Centre, Southport
An old hall in the Hesketh Centre, Southport
(Image: Abandoned UK)

A spokesperson for the Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust said: “We are aware of images taken from inside the Hesketh Center and broadcast online. This building was vacated in December 2020 by patients and staff with services relocating to the newly constructed Hartley Hospital.

“Our inpatient mental health services moved to the state-of-the-art facility at Hartley Hospital because the Hesketh Center was no longer fit for purpose. The site was secured and Mersey Care reviewed the security arrangements and improved them following this incident.

“Mersey Care remains committed to improving our owned buildings across our geographic footprint to enable clinical excellence, prevention and integration across our services. We have already engaged property consultants to list the property on the market and our aim is to sell the building in accordance with the NHS Estate Code.”

A room that appears to have been used for teaching at the Hesketh Centre, Southport
A room that appears to have been used for teaching at the Hesketh Centre, Southport
(Image: Abandoned UK)

*Invading private property is dangerous and may be illegal under certain circumstances.

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The full video is available to view. here and to view the Abandoned UK Facebook page, click here.

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