Acidity only begins after a fried account? These home remedies will work

Acidity home remedies : To get up in the morning sleeping in the night, we eat all kinds of things. But to digest them, the stomach must work hard. For this reason, several times problems such as constipation, gas, the blotter occur. When our stomach digestion, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane gas are produced, which causes gas.

If the gas is made in the stomach, it must be understood that food is not digested properly and is in the intestines. This problem has become so common that every third is disturbed by this. Oily foods, fried, spicy and spicy, waking up late at night, drinking less water, anger and stress are the main reasons for acidity. If you also have acidity problems after eating frits and roasted, there is no need to panic. You can get relief from this problem by adopting easy home remedies. Know these home remedies …

1. drink lukewarm water

Avoid drinking cold water after eating fried things. Rather drink lukewarm water, which will improve the digestive process and get relief from acidity. Drink a glass of warm water after 15-20 minutes of food. The digestive system works properly by drinking a sufficient amount of water throughout the day.

2. Fennel consumption

Fennel has anti-acid properties, which help reduce additional acids in the stomach. Chew 1 teaspoon of fennel after eating. Boil the fennel in a glass of lukewarm water and drink lukewarm.

3. Drink ginger tea

Ginger helps calm the stomach and control gastric acid. Boil 1 inch ginger in a cup of water and drink a little honey. The ginger is grated and mixed with lemonade and drinks it.

4. Eat the banana

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Banana acts as a natural antacide and immediately calms acidity. Eat 1 ripe banana after eating frits and roast. You can also take it as Shake or smoothie. It is beneficial for the health of the stomach.

5. Drinking cold milk

Milk contains calcium, which balances gastric acid. Drink a half cup of cold milk without mixing the sugar. Do not drink too much cold milk, the light cold is beneficial.

6. Take celery and black salt

Celery contains digestive enzymes, which improve digestion and reduce acidity. Mix a pinch of black salt in half a teaspoon of celery and take with lukewarm water. If you want, boil celery in water and drink Can Are.

7. Drink coconut water

Coconut water reduces acid levels in the stomach and maintains the hydrated body. Drink coconut water twice a day, especially in the morning on an empty stomach. Taking it after an hour of eating gives a lot of relief.

8. Eat more green leafy vegetables

Green vegetables such as spinach, fenugreek and tomato are beneficial for stomach and acidity of control. Therefore, include more and more green vegetables in food. Eating boiled or light ripe vegetables is more beneficial instead of fried things.

Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.

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