Agilent acquires Virtual control’s AI technology to enhance lab productivity – ET HealthWorld

Mumbai Clever Technologies Inc. Announced the acquisition of Virtual controlAdvanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that can help create innovative analysis solutions in lab testing. It will integrate software called ACIES with the aim of improving the productivity, efficiency and accuracy of high throughput labs installed worldwide in its gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GS / MS) platforms.

Acquisition is Agilent’s latest investment in digital technology that it intends to improve. Laboratory productivity. Technology will now also have access to the intellectual property and other assets associated with ACIES. Acquired ACIES automates the labor-intensive task of gas chromatography or mass spectrometry data analysis, thus improving efficiency from sampling to reporting in laboratory workflows. The technology will be integrated into Agilent’s MassHunter software package for LC / MS and GC / MS instruments.

Speaking on the acquisition, Jacob Thasen, President, Agilent Life Sciences and Applied Markets Group, said, “Our acquisition of this cutting-edge technology is one more example of our focus on delivering insights and innovation that our customers can use to provide industry-leading solutions. . We’re thrilled to be adding these extra capabilities to our product lineup. “

Agilent aims to leverage a range of industries and applications through this acquisition of technology, including food testing and technology, including agricultural, environmental and applied materials, with broad potential to expand to other large markets.


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