Almond Benefits: 5 Reasons Why These Nutty Delights Are Must in Your DIET

Benefits of Almonds: There is no denying that almonds are a nutritional powerhouse. Our body needs vitamins, minerals and nutrients to function properly. It should be a staple in your diet. Nutritionists and health experts recommend eating a few of them as a mid-day snack to avoid overeating and promote energy replenishment.Also Read – Weight Loss: Does Ayurveda Help Lose Those Extra Kilos? Here’s what you should know

Ayurveda is one of the few systems of medicine developed in ancient times that is widely practiced in modern times. According to Ayurveda, the body is in its healthiest state as and when Vata, Pitta and Kapha are balanced. Any imbalance will lead to health ailments.This form of medicine has its roots in our culture, as does the tradition of consuming almonds. Stemming from a strong belief in the nutritional properties of almonds, daily consumption of almonds is often traditionally associated with good health. Consuming this nut is also believed to be beneficial in removing Vritta Vata and Pitta Doshas! Also Read – Troubled by hair loss? Try Ayurvedic methods to treat monsoon hair fall this season

Dr. Vishakha Mahindru, senior Ayurveda expert suggests top five benefits of eating almonds daily. Also Read – Watch the video of foods you should eat during monsoons according to Ayurveda

5 Health Benefits of Almonds According to Ayurveda:

Beneficial for Diabetics: Consuming (soaked) almonds can help prevent some complications of diabetes, such as weakness and weakness. According to Ayurveda, almonds can help in conditions of prameha (diabetes) associated clinical disorders like obesity, prediabetes metabolic syndrome.

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Good for skin and hair: According to Ayurveda, daily consumption of almonds can provide moisture to body tissues, improve skin tone and increase its glow. Almonds are not only good for overall skin health, but can also treat premature graying of hair and hair loss.

Promote cognitive health: According to Ayurveda, one should consume almonds daily to strengthen one’s nervous system. It is also traditionally believed that consumption of almonds improves memory.

Valuable for reproductive system: Consuming almonds can support reproductive tissue and functional strength and is recommended to be eaten daily for optimal benefits.

Increases muscle mass and strength: A healthy way to gain weight slowly is to consume nuts like almonds. According to Ayurveda, almonds are capable of increasing body mass and strength. They can also help remove vata and pitta doshas.

So, don’t forget to eat a handful of almonds every day to reap these health benefits!


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