Aly Raisman on Nightly Baths, Mini Facial Massages, and Self-Care

Aly Raisman’s beauty philosophy is simple: less is more and personal care is top priority. She has been a firm believer in both of those things since before she competed as a gymnast in the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, but they have become especially true since she officially retired two years ago.

For Raisman, her idea of ​​beauty has evolved over the years into an act of self-care. “I would enjoy doing my makeup before the competition because it was therapeutic for me and relaxing,” he tells POPSUGAR. But still, most of the time, he wasn’t wearing any. “I felt very comfortable without having makeup on.”

That forever changed her view of beauty and informs her approach to this day: “Over the years, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t,” she says. She has perfected a self-care routine that helps her relax, recharge, and most importantly, prioritize your mental health. Read on to learn more about how Raisman practice self-care with skin care and transform your nightly routine into a spa treatment.

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