Animal Protein vs Plant Protein: Which Form of Protein is Healthier And How to Include That in Your Diet

Protein is one of the essential nutrients for the body. Protein is also needed to build muscle, hormones, bones, and blood. They help to repair the tissues present in the body. Therefore, it is important to eat a protein rich diet. According to the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. It is the right amount to meet your basic nutritional needs. This is the minimum amount you need to take to avoid getting sick.Also read – Want to live a long life? Chop red meat for plant based protein

People think that the main source of protein is usually animal meat. However, there are some vegetarian foods that are rich in protein. Animal proteins are considered complete proteins due to their amino acids which are less than plant proteins.

What is animal protein?

Animal proteins are more easily absorbed by the body than plant-based proteins. Animal protein is found in meat, eggs and dairy products. Proper balance should be established and therefore, you should also include vegetables. Animal protein contains 9 essential amino acids and is a complete protein. It also helps build muscles and bones in the body.

What is plant protein?

Compared to meat or eggs, vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. However, it does not contain as much protein per serving as meat. It does not contain all the amino acids the body needs. The diet of vegetarians and non-vegetarians contains a variety of vegetable proteins, such as nuts, beans, soy-based products, grains, fruits and vegetables.

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Is animal protein healthier than plant protein?

To reach a firm conclusion, a lot of research is needed. Animal protein provides a complete source of protein but requires a lot of research. Plant-based proteins provide the full amount of nutrients and protein. Studies have shown that the overall health of vegetarians is better than that of non-vegetarians.


Excess of anything is bad for the body. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. For vegetarians and non-vegetarians, you can consume plant-based proteins along with other foods. For non-vegetarians, they should avoid protein rich foods as they may put them at greater risk.


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