App with live heatmaps to help reduce road fatalities – ET HealthWorld

NEW DELHI:Whehas implemented a functional IT application to collect information in real time data on traffic accidents and the generation of live color-coded heat maps in stretches as small as 500 meters across the country with details of the people and vehicles involved, the government hopes the platform will guide state and local authorities to reduce deaths.

All states and UTs have started using the electronic detailed accident reporting (eDAR) application to record traffic accidents and more than seven lakh accidents have been registered on this platform.

India has the largest number of road deaths to 1.5 lakh in 2021, which is 11% of all road deaths worldwide. The government has pledged to cut road deaths in half by 2030.

At a recent NCR Planning Board meeting on traffic safety and trauma care, the ministry of trucking provided details of eDAR and how state and central government agencies such as police, health, transportation, and highway-owning agencies, have come together. To localize the data, the entire area was divided into 2 square kilometer grids with unique grid identifiers, and with the help of the GIS tool, the number of accidents in each grid was counted.

On the platform, the roads have been divided into sections of 500 meters and in each section the accidents are collected and different colors are used to show the severity of the accidents. The analysis module also provides details such as total crashes, people and vehicles involved, and time and causes of the accident such as speeding, drowsiness.
A source said that the data collection begins when the police arrive at the site and provide all the details in the application from the accident site. The police then alert the transportation and health departments and the agency that owns the relevant road for further details.

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The ministry informed the Board that IIT Madras is also developing an application for deep analysis of traffic accident data using artificial intelligence and machine learning. The road transport ministry has also prepared the deadlines for mandatory provisions such as advanced driver assistance system and alcohol ignition interlock in vehicles by 2030.


  • Updated On Jul 10, 2023 at 06:19 AM IST
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  • Posted Jul 10, 2023 at 06:15am IST
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  • 2 min read
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