Are stomach cancer symptoms different in men and women?

Stomach cancer which is called stomach cancer in English. It is also called gastric cancer. There are many types of stomach cancer. It depends entirely on the cancer and its extent. Due to poor eating habits and current lifestyle, people are becoming victims of serious and dangerous diseases.

There can be many causes of cancer due to poor lifestyle, such as genetics, health factors can be responsible for it. Its early symptoms are quite normal but it is very important to take special care of it. Tell us what are the symptoms of stomach cancer in women?

Let us tell you that the symptoms of stomach cancer are similar in women and men. There is not much difference between them. Women should pay attention to all these symptoms that are not normal. According to research, in case of stomach cancer, almost no special symptoms are visible on the body. Nothing special is visible in the initial days. It is difficult to detect this serious disease. When the disease reaches an advanced stage, its symptoms appear in the body.

Stomach Cancer Symptoms in Men and Women

frequent stomach aches

Sudden and effortless weight loss

difficulty swallowing

Bleeding inside the stomach, causing blood to come out through vomiting



feel boring all the time

feeling full after eating a little

persistent indigestion

The first symptoms of stomach cancer are not visible and therefore the patient considers it normal. Screening for stomach cancer is also very common. Stomach cancer is very difficult to detect. If the patient has stomach problems repeatedly, a stomach examination should be done.

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Can stomach cancer be completely cured?

Stomach cancer is a serious and fatal disease. This disease is often detected in the third stage. Its treatment is also very difficult. If stomach cancer is detected in time, it can be cured with treatment. If a person repeatedly suffers from stomach problems, indigestion, loss of appetite or loses weight, then there are specific signs that they should keep in mind. In such a situation, a doctor should be consulted immediately. The disease will be diagnosed and appropriate treatment will be provided.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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