Are you also using someone else’s earphones… This habit should not become a cause of serious problem!

In today’s era, we all have become so addicted to earphones that if we forget our earphones somewhere, then we start using someone else’s. Doing so can prove fatal for you. Yes, using other’s earphones can make you deaf. So if you are doing something like this then be careful. 

What do experts say

Regarding earphones, WHO has claimed that due to excessive use of earphones, there is a bad effect on the hearing capacity of about 100 crore youths worldwide. Along with this, it has been told in the study that if any person listens to a loud song in earphones for more than two hours and more than 90 decibels, then he may have difficulty in hearing. Not only this, excessive use of earphones can also cause heart diseases and can have a negative effect on the brain. 

risk of infection 

A study published in the online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences suggests that regular use of earphones can increase the number of bacteria in the ear. The scum present in the ear is not only sticky, but excessive bacteria are also found in it. A study by ORL Head Neck Nursing also proved that if you share earphones with someone then the risk of infection can increase and it can spread from one person to another. 

The rubber in the earphone does not allow the dirt to come out easily and remains stuck in it due to which bacteria starts forming. Microbial flora in the ears are usually Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus. That’s why when you share earphones with someone, bacteria can spread to your ear and the risk of infection can increase. Apart from this, if there is any kind of injury or cut in your ear, then you can have many types of skin infections. 

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Earphones can also cause all these dangers

Apart from this, when you give your earphones at many places, then it can cause germs in it. Using someone else’s earphones can cause problems like fungus, blackheads and spots. So keep cleaning your earphones from time to time, so that infection can be avoided.

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